This past Monday the Gotham City Police responded to a threat to the city from the infamous character known as Bane and members of his group of mercenaries. The vigilante known as Batman was also involved. The detailed report of this encounter follows below.
Author: Brian Page 1 of 5

If you are slightly familiar with Batman you are probably aware of the League of Assassins. The League has been a common adversary of the caped crusader. Thus they have a representation in Knight Model’s Batman Miniature Game.
There have been many members and storylines involving the League and Knight Models provides a great selection to choose from to create a crew. There are amazing options to choose from to create a powerful crew. Here are my secrets to becoming a member of the League of Assassins.
I used a simple base-coat and wash technique to finish my US Army for Bolt Action. It is a quick and easy technique that produces pretty good results for the table. If you are shy about painting I urge you to go for it and start with this technique. It can also be brought up more by simple adding a layer of highlight or two. This technique could be used on anything by just changing the colors. I’ll also cover the colors I used if you are interested for your own US force and how I did the basing.
A continuation of the rundown of my US Army collection for Bolt Action. This covers the next two expansions of my force. It has become quite the collection at this point and it is all painted!
Listening to the cast you have probably heard about how I finished my US Army force for Bolt Action. This is the first full army in any game I have completed! This post is just to showcase and let you see what I have collected so far. For newer players, maybe you can get some ideas of what to buy or ways to approach the hobby side of the game.