So, this last Thursday night at Misty Mountain games Phil, one of the local Bolt Action players, and myself got together to do a street fight game set in Stalingrad for Warlord Games Bolt Action game. Phil brought 1000 points of Germans and, well, I thought I brought 1000 points of Soviet Union troops….more on that later.
Phil’s force (from memory)
Stalingrad force selector or something close to it from the Armies of Germany book
- 2nd Lt with SMG and a soldier with rifle
- Forward Artillery Observer
- 10 German Heer with lmg (I think)
- 10 German Pioneers, LMG, some smgs I think
- 10 German Pioneers, Flame Thrower and 5ish SMG’s
- Light Howitzer
- Medium Mortar
- 2 MG42 teams (MMG teams)
- 1 Sniper
- Plus or minus some other stuff
My Soviet Army I am playing currently features everything I own that is painted and built. We did agree that for story purposes I should use the Stalingrad force selector, but only benefited from the free unit option to be fanatic.
- 1st Lt with soldier inexperienced, both with SMG’s
- Commissar with soldier, both with SMG’s
- Forward Air Observer with soldier, both with SMG’s
- 8 man gaurd unit, 2 SMG’s (forgot they were in the list, never fielded them)
- 8 man SMG unit, regular
- 12 man rifleman squad (free unit)
- 8 man Veteran Gaurd unit with tough fighter
- T-34 Tank
- 122mm Medium Howitzer
- Medium Mortar
- 3 man Tank Hunter team, 2 models with SMGs, 1 model with captured Panzerfaust
- Veteran Sniper team
- Veteran Flamethrower team with ROKS2
- Anti Tank Rifle
This game did the opposite of go well for me. My air observer called in an air strike on me as well as other epic head turning failures. Overall, flip the dice around a little bit and a few changes to my list that I am anticipating to do when I have time to work on the models and I think this will be a much different fight the next time around!
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