So, with thoughts to planning something for upcoming Merry Mayhem, there has been a lot of questions as to what is right and what to do for the event. To try to get ahead of it, I wrote up a rules packet for an event and had some of the local players come out and play in a narrative, competitive event. I can’t remember if I posted the rules pack before, but here it is: Opening of the Heavens Rules Pack
So we had 6 players out, which really wasn’t enough to really showcase the way I had things laid out, but gave us all a chance to play some games. Instead of doing the originally scheduled 4 games, we cut it back to three and went at it. Overall, I think everyone had a great time playing the battleplans we used, which ended up being Pre-Emptive Strike, Watchtower, and The Ritual. The last one, the radius for the The Ritual effect seemed to be a little big, but the other scenarios weren’t too bad. Using a sideboard for players to swap in and change up their lists was super helpful and kept things like summoning in check while also allowing players to switch up their roles a bit as attacker and defender.
Couple of things I did take away from it though that I think could be an improvement. The sideboard for Undead in particular should be a bit bigger, maybe 50% of their force rather then a third. The ritual battleplan could be improved. Another thing I took away is that it wouldn’t be much to increase rounds to 2 hours and up the wound counts to 100 wounds or so. I do think that could open up a level of new broken issues with that level of points. I am setting up some games now to see what I think about the balance at the larger point sizes.
All in all, it was a great day and thanks to everyone that came out and played games at Pegasus Games.