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Category: Miniatures Page 1 of 15

Looking for Miniatures. This is where you will find it! Whether it’s painting, gaming, or a specific product you can find coverage here.

Building My D&D Miniature Collection from Scratch

Image is of a sampling of D&D Figures
Sampling of D&D Figures on Display

I recently decided to run a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaign as the Dungeon Master (DM). I had been going back and forth on deciding if I was going to do this for well over a year. Running these things is a massive commitment, yet exciting. Shows like Critical Role helped get me excited to role play again.

At one time, I had crazy amounts of dwarfs, humans, goblins, monsters, and other fantasy creatures. That’s just inevitable when you are an avid Warhammer collector. However, when Warhammer Fantasy Battles came to an end, I came to realize that there was less and less of an opportunity to use them. Because of this, I sold most of my massive collection off.

This meant that I needed to expand my miniatures collection as a Dungeon Master. With a couple of months before the first session I dug out my Reaper Bones Kickstarter models and started through the game store in search of models I did not have and would need.

The Best Modern War Gaming Terrain for Your Game Table

BMG in action

One of the biggest challenges for many players when getting started with tabletop miniature war gaming is to find the right terrain. Even as a seasoned war gamer I felt like it was a struggle to find good terrain for my games of Batman Miniature Game. In this article I dive into some of the best places I have found to pick up terrain for my modern war gaming needs.

Modern war game terrain can take several forms. You have to decide if you are gaming in the more urban areas of the world, residential suburbs, or even rural locations. The place in the world becomes a consideration as well. Playing a game set, for example, in the Middle East is much different than trying to play out a game on the streets of Gotham or New York City!

Let’s take a look at a few of the more popular game settings and see who makes great terrain for that environment.

Paint Up Your US Infantry Greens with this Simple Guide!

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Going Simple on Painting the Pants of US Infantry for Bolt Action

Make sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos as we release them!

Conesy’s Diary: Episode 34 Let’s Get You Started With Airbrushing

My Airbrush Station

I was in a Discord talking with a beginner about airbrushing. They had done their research and were closing in on making that purchase. I shared what advise I could with them. It made me think that I bet there are a number of people out there that could use some advise regarding their first airbrush.

Conesy’s Diary: 11/19/2020

Here’s all of the equipment I use for airbrushing:

I hope to purchase soon, but I don’t recommend for beginners: Iwata Eclipse HP-CS

Go, listen to the show!

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