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Category: Modeling Page 1 of 5

This is where you can find all of our tips and tricks that we use modeling miniatures.

Getting Started: Taking Your Hobby Tools to the Next Level

In my original Getting Started: Hobby Tools article I wanted to discuss what I felt were the necessary tools to handle assembly of miniatures that any new hobbyist would need in their collection. That isn’t all of the tools that I use regularly though and as a follow up, I wanted to touch on other tools that I use quite often and why.

Other Commonly Used Tools

Curved Tip Tweezers

One of my most used tools is a is a curved tip tweezers. There are a ton of these out there as tweezers is something that most people have at least a basic tweezers in their bathroom for grooming. However, the curved tip I find is very useful for grabbing small bits, dipping in glue, and then using to attach to a model where my fingers would just be in the way. Maybe it’s just that I am getting older, or maybe I am just getting smarter but I rarely assemble anything that has smaller bits these days without reaching for my tweezers.

Getting Started: Hobby Tools That You Will Need

So you went out and bought your first model kit and now you need to know what you need to put it together huh? Well, I hope to clear up your confusion with this guide to helping you pick up the right tools so that you can assemble your first models. Once you have those first models assembled, then I will cover some of the additional tools that will help you take your models to the next level.

TTCombat Rooftop Accessories Fire Escape

I recently painted the Fire Escape part of the TTCombat Rooftop Accessories MDF terrain kit. I had a blast painting this up and tried some new techniques that I thought I would share to help make this kit pop on the table top.

US Army Showcase: Wave 1

First Wave

Listening to the cast you have probably heard about how I finished my US Army force for Bolt Action.  This is the first full army in any game I have completed!  This post is just to showcase and let you see what I have collected so far.  For newer players, maybe you can get some ideas of what to buy or ways to approach the hobby side of the game.

How To: Repair Broken Rifle Barrels in Bolt Action

BrokenBroken rifle barrels seem to be a very common thing in Bolt Action.  I contemplated a few ways of repair but here is how I did it.  It is a pretty simple idea especially for anyone with modeling experience.  Maybe that’s why there didn’t seem to be anything out there for a tutorial or how to.  For anyone wondering though; here is a proven and relatively simple method.

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