Conesy’s Diary is a short show, roughly 15 minutes or so and done roughly three times a week with the purpose of just catching up or rambling on about gaming, new product, or other topics that we just don’t normally cover on the main Warhammer cast.
One episode might focus on the review of a board game while the next episode may be a complete break down on how the Conesy put together a terrain project.
Let the Conesy know what you think by hitting him up via his normal contacts
What can I say? I just want to own and paint all of the miniatures. They are just too cool. There is only so much time in the year though. On this episode of the diary I take a look at a few of my favorite miniature games.
On this episode of the Diary I dive into some of our future planning for WiscoDice. If you are as excited as we are then you can hear all about the direction we are starting to take as we look to grow this amazing podcast!
We couldn’t do that without all of you amazing listeners and readers. Thank you all so much and here’s to many more great years of the WiscoDice Tabletop Gaming Podcast!!!!
I recently played a game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles against Brian’s Vampire Counts. It was great fun, even if the game didn’t go my way. Seeing the battle lines form up, come together, and due battle was a blast.
Painting red on miniatures can be a real challenge for most of us. On this episode of the diary, I break down some of my approach to painting red. With a little planning, you too can paint red with confidence.
I mentioned on the show this article I did a while back for Captain Marvel (Marvel Crisis Protocol). Here’s the link to the article:
On this episode I review the game of Theophrastus from Mayfair Games. This game has been out of print for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not a great game. Bonus is that you can still get a copy of it from Noble Knight Games.
During the show, I meet with J from @lindmangames on Twitter. He’s been playing a game a day with his family for over 340 days now and counting. Follow him on Twitter to get all of the updates.
In Game Play
The game is a card game where you play cards from your hand and add them to your tableau or potentially interact with the client’s tableau. Your goal over the course of the game is to match Theopfrastus formula that you only know partial information of. If you do it well, you score more points. Most points is the winner!
Check out the episode to learn more of the game and our thoughts!