The hosts get together and chat about all things tournament. What do you need to bring? What do you need to do to run one? All of their thoughts are collected here.
In our gaming spotlight, we feature the game Lords of Waterdeep, which is a great game that Conesy just introduced to Brian. Find out the rest of our thoughts and if this is another game that you must add to your board game collection.
Not to mention, make sure you submit your questions for future editions of the new Cheesecurd segment! Just send them in to [email protected].
This is also the final episode in our feedback contest. After the listen, make sure you send us an email with your thoughts to [email protected] so we know what you thought. Also, there were a couple of items mentioned in this email that if you are interested in having (aka: the terrain cards) you should email us at the above address and we will get them out to you.
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