Here are the promised rules for the 2018 Gameholecon Star Wars Legion event happening on Sunday. Please ensure you are familiar with the Fantasy Flight Rules Pack for tournaments. This is available in the Tournaments section of the Legion page on the Fantasy Flight Games website.

Tournament Tier: Relaxed
Stucture: Basic (No Cut)
Number of Players: 16
Points: 800
Rounds: 6 or less players, 2 rounds. More then 6 players there will be 3 rounds
Round Length: Rounds will be 120 minutes long with a 10 minute pre-game set up time

Lists: Players must have a copy of their list available for the Organizer, preferably printed using Tabletop Admiral. If a player does not have a printed copy of their list, then they will be provided a form at registration and required to provide a detailed list of units and purchased upgrade cards. A player found playing with options not on the list submitted to the Organizer will be disqualified from the event.

Schedule (rough):
8-8:30 AM: Registration
8:30 AM to 10:40 AM: Round 1
10:50 AM to 1 PM: Round 2
1 PM to 1:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM to 3:40 PM: Round 3
3:40 to 4 pm: Final Results and Awards

Ringer: As this is a relaxed format event, if there is an odd number of players the Organizer, who is also filling in as a leader will play as the ringer. The ringer will not be eligible for any prize support or be considered for final event scoring, however your result against the ringer will be your result. Thus a loss against the ringer is considered a loss in the event. The idea of the ringer is to ensure everyone gets to play as many games of Legion and have fun through the day.

Overall results will be posted to the WiscoDice website.

Prize Support: TBD