Well folks, another year of Gen Con is in the books and there was certainly fun to be had. I can say I had a great time this year, and even if you are just a Wargamer I found there was plenty to do and check out this year.

So, what was there to do?
Booths to check out

Games-Workshop Booth Of course, there was the GW booth which was overall bigger this year with a massive and really cool 40k display with tons of troops, giant vehicles, another such round base silliness. As well, Forgeworld and Black Library were there was cool stuff from Warhammer Forge on display in the case. For the most part, I didn’t notice anything really new there, but all in all it was really cool none the less.


Cool Mini or Not This booth was probably my favorite miniatures booth of the con. Not only did that have all of the new stuff for Zombicide on hand and there to check out and play, there was a ton of other board and miniature games demos with plenty of staff on hand. For the most part, I was really into checking out all of the Raging Heroes stuff that they had on on hand and picked up a box of the Blood Vestals command group and 2 boxes of the Blood Vestals themselves. These will go well into my existing Dark Elf army as Witch Elves to initially be mixed with the Games Workshop models, but hopefully at some point I will own enough of them to build their own unit. I have to say, the models weren’t cheap at all, but the sculpts are amazing and I am super stoked to paint them up.

Fantasy Flight While it seemed quite ridiculous to get into the Fantasy Flight booth as every time I was by it the line was quite long, the new Star Wars X-Wing preview releases were just unbelievably amazing and large. Check out the pictures of those. I am also excited for the new game set in the Arkham Horror universe, and hope it varies enough from that game to make it really worth picking up.

Hirst Arts Quite possibly my favorite place to stop and shop at every year, I really dig Hirst Arts as you have probably heard on some of the recent terrain episodes. The things you can do with their kits that goes beyond just the basic builds that are recommended when you purchase their molds is amazing and helps add some real detail, character and flavor to a terrain piece. I picked up three new molds this year and am very excited to start work on those.

Wargames Factory I spent a little time in the Wargames factory booth checking out the World War 2 models they had on hand. Their 28 mm infantry range is really good and a strong contender with Warlord for that market space. If you are looking for some alternate figures, say for Bolt Action games, then these are really good. I was really excited to see their 15 mm German infantry box. Instantly, I was excited and hoping that they also had Americans as the detail was quite good. In fact, they were as good if not better then Battlefront Flames of War metal figures. Unfortunately, they didn’t have these out yet but are coming so I look forward to getting my hands on and reviewing those models for use in my Flames of War American Rifle Company.

The Warstore It was really cool to see the Warstore at Gen Con this year, and for deals they were the place I shopped for minatures. The only actual Games-Workshop models I picked up were from The Warstore. They had a giant set of tubs with old metal miniatures and box sets all about at great discounted rates. I picked up a box of Dwarf Slayers, Hammerers, and Dark Elf Black Gaurd all as the original metal models for half retail. The finecast White Dwarf director model was there for $5 and I couldn’t resist picking him up. While not a fan of the figure, it’s a collectible that I felt was worth having at that price tag.

Next there are seminars
Of course, Gen Con has all sorts of Seminars that are totally worth checking out. This year I took the Hirst Arts Advanced Assembly course. I was signed up for the pouring and casting course, but unfortunately that ended up being canceled. There were a lot of good tips going on in that course both from the instructor and from some of the more advanced users of the molds that were in that course.

During that course, there were painting courses and a sculpting course going on in the same room at the same time. I am very serious about doing the sculpting course next year I think and may even bring some paints a long and see if I can get some tips and tricks.

Enjoy the pictures either heir or in the Gallery. When I get the pictures from my wife, I will get them up as well.

Peace Out.

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