There has been a little more work on my PanOceania forces for Infinity. I need to have 300 points of forces ready for the Infinity narrative event at Blood in the Sun in just a few weeks. That means it’s time to lock in and work on painting models and so I have been working on the figures pretty furiously.
I haven’t quite set on a list yet, but I will post my final lists after the event.
So far, I have finished an Auxillia and her Auxbot, an ORC Troop (picture is still WIP) and nearly finished a Guarda de Assalto with Auxbot (really just basing and a little shading at this point). Once those last figures are finished I want to work up another Auxillia and Auxbot (can’t have too many models that can be specialists) and an Aquila Gaurd. With those finished, I really have a list starting to shape up, but there will be 4-5 more models I would like to have finished to give me a little more to work with to list build with before this event.
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