Welcome to Kickstart Monday! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects that have caught our eye. We scour over platforms like Kickstarter and Gamefound to find projects that interest us.
Dogs With Jobs
Our first game this week is Dogs With Jobs from Lab 380 on Kickstarter.
Dogs With Jobs is an easy to learn strategic card game for 2 to 5 players. Each player takes on the role of a recruiter hired to assemble the best darn team of working dogs that they can while earning more reward points than their competitors. You’ll have 8 rounds to gather your team of dogs, and complete jobs with them to earn endgame points.
Your dogs will need to have the right skills and the right level of experience to complete the various jobs in categories like Service Jobs, Defense Jobs and Rescue Jobs. Job cards are dual use in the game and you’ll have to make a decision to either complete them for points or spend them to recruit new and useful pups.
Dogs With Jobs come with 60 different dog cards featuring excellent illustrations of the goodest boys. Each dog has a specialty indicating their skill from police dogs to hunting dogs to service dogs and therapy dogs. Each dog also has a special ability you can trigger to get an edge against the other players.
If you are able to recruit the best team of dogs, use their abilities to the greatest effect and complete the most valuable jobs you’ll find yourself at the top of the dog pile and the winner of the game!
Let’s take a look at the pledge tiers that are available:
- Dogs With Jobs Base Game – $25 – includes the core game
- Base Game + Expansions – $40 – includes the base game and the Odd Jobs and Gear expansions
- Base Game + Expansions + Utility Board – $45 – everything in the previous tier plus a game board with a dual layered round tracker
Dogs With Jobs will be available on Kickstarter until August 30, 2024, so you’ll need to make sure to get your pledge in before then.
Our second project this week is Alfabeto on Kickstarter.
Alfabeto is a party word game for 2 to 8 players that can be played in around 5-15 minutes. Gameplay is simple and easy to learn. Each player has a hand of Letter cards with a single letter on them. Then one player flips over a Topic card with topics like “At the Circus” or “Pizza Toppings”. P
layers then race to shout out a word that fits the topic and starts with the letter of one of their Letter cards. If you are the first player to shout out a matching word you get to discard that Letter card. The first player to get rid of all their Letter cards is the winner!
Alfabeto is available in several pledge tiers:
- Alfabeto Classic – $26 – Alfabeto base game with 180+ topic cards.
- Alfabeto Essentials – $39 – includes the base game plus the Outdoors, Pop-Culture and Sports expansion packs.
- Alfabeto KSE Deluxe – $78 – base game, Outdoors, Pop-Culture and Sports expansions, plus a playmat, sticker pack, campaign pin and a Kickstarter themed expansion pack.
*Note each of these pledge tiers also has a discounted limited Early Bird pledge version and as of this writing there are still Early Bird pledges available.
I caught this campaign a little late so you only have until August 8, 2024, to make a pledge so hurry over to the Alfabeto Kickstarter page right away!
Did we miss your favorite project?
Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or email.
Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.
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