Pictures from Conesy’s trip to San Fran including a ton of pictures of armies and game play from the Quake City Rumble. Really good time, really good people at the tournament. Food has been great and trip has been great. Normally, I would put the pictures up here on the site directly, but due to the number of them, I thought it better to use Google to share them with you.
Overally, I went 2-2-1 for the weekend picking up 71 battle points out of 100. Not to shabby. The tournament was a great event and I had an absolute blast. 5 great games and if anything I wish I would have been able to complete my dwarf army and had a little more play test in the list to revise it. Listen to Conesy’s Diary: Episode 28 for a complete break down of my army list that I took to the Quake.