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Tag: Age of Sigmar Page 2 of 3

Opening of the Heavens Post Event Report

So, with thoughts to planning something for upcoming Merry Mayhem, there has been a lot of questions as to what is right and what to do for the event. To try to get ahead of it, I wrote up a rules packet for an event and had some of the local players come out and play in a narrative, competitive event. I can’t remember if I posted the rules pack before, but here it is: Opening of the Heavens Rules Pack

So we had 6 players out, which really wasn’t enough to really showcase the way I had things laid out, but gave us all a chance to play some games. Instead of doing the originally scheduled 4 games, we cut it back to three and went at it. Overall, I think everyone had a great time playing the battleplans we used, which ended up being Pre-Emptive Strike, Watchtower, and The Ritual. The last one, the radius for the The Ritual effect seemed to be a little big, but the other scenarios weren’t too bad. Using a sideboard for players to swap in and change up their lists was super helpful and kept things like summoning in check while also allowing players to switch up their roles a bit as attacker and defender.

Couple of things I did take away from it though that I think could be an improvement. The sideboard for Undead in particular should be a bit bigger, maybe 50% of their force rather then a third. The ritual battleplan could be improved. Another thing I took away is that it wouldn’t be much to increase rounds to 2 hours and up the wound counts to 100 wounds or so. I do think that could open up a level of new broken issues with that level of points. I am setting up some games now to see what I think about the balance at the larger point sizes.

All in all, it was a great day and thanks to everyone that came out and played games at Pegasus Games.

Crippled Systems Guest Appearance

He folks, go check out Crippled Systems podcast episode 124 where yours truly guest spots on the show to talk about Gen Con, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and an assortment of random topics. Crippled Systems is a War Machine/Hordes podcast that goes off the beaten path and talks board games, TV, Movies and an assortment of other fun stuff.

Be aware, Crippled Systems is a podcast for mature audiences, mostly for language.

Crippled Systems: Episode 124

High Elves vs. Chaos

2015-08-03 19.15.06Found myself tonight, a day after Gen Con, with an itch to play some Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It was really a last minute decision as work and life really have had me busy, but the stars aligned and I was able to get out the door and to Pegasus Games with the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar starter box and the hardcover book.

When I got there, one of the local players, Fred, was happy to play me with his high elves. We didn’t agree on anything too fancy. I was really limited to what models I had in the starter box and so we ad-hoc’ed a couple of lists together, largely based on wounds and after some discussion picked the scenario Breakthrough. After a roll off, the high elves began to launch their assault.

Games-Workshop at Gen Con 2015

2015-07-30 17.39.52So, a lot of questions have been going around about Games-Workshop, Warhammer:Age of Sigmar, and Gen Con. We all know that GW camped out a guy at Forgeworld open day and that they answered a lot of questions about the game. As I understand, they had some issues getting the guys they wanted over to the US for this year’s Gen Con, but they still have a both at the event and staff there. I had the opportunity Thursday afternoon near the closing of the hall to engage and talk to them about Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and the future of the game.

Gen Con 2015

Hey folks, I am at Gen Con 2015 and doing all of the good stuff that the best four days in gaming can provide. Along the way, when I remember or get the chance, the phone is getting pulled out and and I am snapping pictures of all of the coolest stuff at the convention.

Expect to hear more in an upcoming episode of the show about this great event and all of the cool stuff that is here!

Pictures are hosted thanks to Google Photo: Gen Con 2015 Pictures

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