So, this last Thursday night at Misty Mountain games Phil, one of the local Bolt Action players, and myself got together to do a street fight game set in Stalingrad for Warlord Games Bolt Action game. Phil brought 1000 points of Germans and, well, I thought I brought 1000 points of Soviet Union troops….more on that later.
Phil’s force (from memory)
Stalingrad force selector or something close to it from the Armies of Germany book
- 2nd Lt with SMG and a soldier with rifle
- Forward Artillery Observer
- 10 German Heer with lmg (I think)
- 10 German Pioneers, LMG, some smgs I think
- 10 German Pioneers, Flame Thrower and 5ish SMG’s
- Light Howitzer
- Medium Mortar
- 2 MG42 teams (MMG teams)
- 1 Sniper
- Plus or minus some other stuff
My Soviet Army I am playing currently features everything I own that is painted and built. We did agree that for story purposes I should use the Stalingrad force selector, but only benefited from the free unit option to be fanatic.
- 1st Lt with soldier inexperienced, both with SMG’s
- Commissar with soldier, both with SMG’s
- Forward Air Observer with soldier, both with SMG’s
- 8 man gaurd unit, 2 SMG’s (forgot they were in the list, never fielded them)
- 8 man SMG unit, regular
- 12 man rifleman squad (free unit)
- 8 man Veteran Gaurd unit with tough fighter
- T-34 Tank
- 122mm Medium Howitzer
- Medium Mortar
- 3 man Tank Hunter team, 2 models with SMGs, 1 model with captured Panzerfaust
- Veteran Sniper team
- Veteran Flamethrower team with ROKS2
- Anti Tank Rifle