If you saw the video of New Stuff, Episode 3 on our YouTube channel then you know what I thought of the starter box. Now, I need to get this set built, painted and demo ready in 8 days after acquiring it. After figuring that it would take me 2 days roughly to build and undercoat it, that leaves about 6 days to paint 47 models. That’s roughly 8 models a day. Ooff.
Well, off to a good start, 20 models complete today. I have painted all of the Bloodreavers from the starter. These are possibly the most complex of the models with the most color changes, with lots of flesh tones, reds, silvers and bronzes. Check them out as well as the rest of the figures from the starter. I will keep adding them to this post through the rest of this week.
7/14/2015 Update: 5 Blood Warriors and 1 Bloodsecrator is now complete. Right on schedule so far.
7/16/2015 Update: The remains of the chaos in the starter. Chaos Lord, Bloodstoker, and Khorgorath complete.
7/17/2015 AM Update: 5 Stormcast Eternals wrapped up before I go to work. Just had to finish their basing from the previous night.