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Tag: Chaos

High Elves vs. Chaos

2015-08-03 19.15.06Found myself tonight, a day after Gen Con, with an itch to play some Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It was really a last minute decision as work and life really have had me busy, but the stars aligned and I was able to get out the door and to Pegasus Games with the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar starter box and the hardcover book.

When I got there, one of the local players, Fred, was happy to play me with his high elves. We didn’t agree on anything too fancy. I was really limited to what models I had in the starter box and so we ad-hoc’ed a couple of lists together, largely based on wounds and after some discussion picked the scenario Breakthrough. After a roll off, the high elves began to launch their assault.

New Stuff Episode 3

Folks, on this episode of New Stuff, Conesy has acquired Warhammer: Age of Sigmar from Games-Workshop and unboxes it for you in this video. Get an honest review of the contents of the box and the materials within as we discover this new starter for GW’s new game, Age of Sigmar.

Slaanesh Chaos Furies

[singlepic id=930 w= h= float=center]These models go back a long ways to when I was working on my Beastmen army. I only ever finished 3 complete models at the time before I had a case of regrets and really stopped playing the army. So little did I realize when I started this unit 2 years ago (or three, or whatever it really was…) that I would be re-purposing them for a Daemon army.

I want to note that this conversion, while probably the most extensive ones I have ever done are not my original ideas. You can search the net for a number of ideas like these. Heck, that’s how I came up with this idea myself! While I was working on the Beastmen, after doing the research, did I realize another very highly recognized hobbiest of Pointhammered fame had done a very similar conversion himself. It kind of put a break on this hobby project and I moved on with other things and other armies at the time.

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