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Tag: CrowD Games

Kickstart Monday: Evolution: Another World and Leviathan Wilds

Welcome to Kickstart Monday! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects that have caught our eye. We scour over platforms like Kickstarter, Gamefound, and Indigogo to find projects that interest us.

Evolution: Another World

The first project this week is the Kickstarter for Evolution Another World by CrowD Games.

This is the next installment in the Evolution series of games which all revolve around gaining special traits and attributes to help a species of animals survive and thrive. In Evolution: Another World players will guide their species to success by evolving them with a huge variety of fantasy themed traits. For example you might be able to evolve a Fire-breathing, Many-Eyed Vampire creature or a creature that is Flying Tiny and Fearsome. I think a lot of fun could be had finding the craziest combinations of the various traits.

The artwork for the game is wild and fantastical. The vibrant colors and playful style help to solidify the strong fantasy theme in this game. Hight quality artwork seems to be a staple of the Evolution series and this is no exception. You can pick up the base retail game from the Kickstart but they also offer a Special Edition that will include many additional evolution cards, cards with alternate artwork and a 5-6 player expansion.

If you were looking to add a little bit of magic into your Evolution experience this may be the game for  you. The Kickstarter will end on Wednesday June 7th, so be sure to visit the project page before then.

Leviathan Wilds

Next up this week is Leviathan Wilds a Kickstarter project from Moon Crab Games.

What really caught my eye with Leviathan Wilds was the theme. In the game player go solo or join with others cooperative to climb up and defeat colossal Leviathans. I think the game clearly is drawing some inspiration from the video game Shadow of the Colossus and it is quite clever to bring that kind of gameplay into a board game.

Each player will build a deck by combining a set of character cards and a set of class cards that will provide them with a unique set of abilities. I really like the idea of the mechanic and I would have a ton of fun trying all the different combinations. It looks like the game has 8 characters and 7 different classes for a total of 56 unique combinations so there is plenty there to try out.

Each of the leviathan battles takes place on two pages of a ring binder book with excellent looking artwork on each page. Each of these boss fights each have their own set of rules to mix things up. With 15 Leviathans to face off against combined with the variety of characters and classes I would wager there is a fair amount to discover and a lot of replayability. I think there are a lot of really interesting ideas in this game and that it is one to watch.

If you are ready to take on the challenge climb on up to the Leviathan Wilds Kickstarter page and make your pledge before Thursday June 1st.

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or email.

Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.

Also checkout the latest articles from WiscoDice:

3 in 15!!! Tiletum, Winter Queen, and Starship Captains Board Game Reviews

We’re back with another 3 in 15!!! This time Conesy and Suzanne review Tiletum from Board & Dice, Winter Queen from CrowD Games, and Starship Captains from Czech Games Edition. Find out if you should buy these games and don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Episode 82: Exploring Distilled and How to Lose Gracefully

In Episode 82 of the WiscoDice Tabletop Gaming Podcast, we meet another WiscoDice team member, Suzanne. Later in the show, Ben interviews the creators of Distilled. and the team discusses strategies to stay engaged in a game you are losing.

 Image of Distilled Game Box and components
Distilled Game Box and Components

Find Distilled on Kickstarter

Join Ben (The Conesy with the Most), Brian (The Stark Raving Mad One), Justin (The Meeple’s Champion), Matt (The Ghostwalker), and Suzanne in this month’s episode.

Download the Episode Now!

Gain the Favor of the Winter Queen

Winter Queen from CrowD Games

Winter Queen from CrowD Games is a recent Kickstarter project that is starting to hit backers game tables. We featured this game previously in our weekly Kickstart Monday series and our copy just hit our gaming table.

The game itself is sold as an abstract, family friendly, strategy game. We’ll dive into the game, the components, and give our thoughts on Winter Queen.

  • Players: 2-4
  • Playtime: 30 minutes
  • Publisher: CrowD Games
  • Designers: Yuri Zhuravljov

Kickstart Monday: Deep Space and Abstract Magic Awaits

For our final Kickstart Monday of 2020 we have explored the known galaxy of crowdfunding engines to bring you these two amazing projects. New to Kickstart Monday, not only do we feature a project on Kickstarter, but we also delve into Gamefound which is another popular crowdfunding engine focused on tabletop games.

ISS Vanguard

ISS Vangaurd
Image from the Gamefound Project Page

ISS Vangaurd has some serious credentials behind it. With Awaken Realms as the publisher behind this, the same guys that did Nemesis and Tainted Grail, there is real promise for another hit title.

The game itself is a coop for 1-4 players that plays out as a campaign. That’s right, it’s a campaign game and not a legacy game. What’s the difference? Well, in Legacy games you typically play out a story but also remove, damage, or modify components of the game during the course. In campaign games, you typically evolve your character with additional items, equipment, and experience by unlocking components and add ons.

The narrative of the game has been worked out by the lead writer from Tainted Grail, Polish authors Krzysztof Piskorski. This should lead to a very immersive and deep story arc for this sci-fi game.

In addition, this game has an option to upgrade the cardboard standees to plastic miniatures. For those you want or have the space for that level of immersive experience or want the extra plastic you can add them, yet aren’t forced to have those as a requirement.

Winter Queen

Winter Queen
Image from the Kickstarter Project Page

Winter Queen from CrowD Games looks to be a brilliant abstract crystal drafting and placement game. On a turn you basically draft crystals and then place them on Queendom Map board. Alternatively, you can take a crystal on the map and place it on spell books that are in your inventory. Finally, you can match patterns on your spell book tiles to score victory points. Score the most and win the game in this quick 20-30 minute promised play time.

This game feels like it takes some of the best mechanics from Azul with the crystal drafting mechanis, Tiny Towns (but with a single shared board to place crystals on), and other pattern matching games.

Did we miss your favorite project?

If you find these interesting, or think I missed a Kickstarter that you would like to hear more about please share your thoughts with us via the Facebook group or at our email.

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