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Conesy’s Diary: Episode 51 A Few of My Favorite Miniature Games

Star Wars: Legion Battle on a Desert Planet

What can I say? I just want to own and paint all of the miniatures. They are just too cool. There is only so much time in the year though. On this episode of the diary I take a look at a few of my favorite miniature games.

Let us know what your favorite games are.

Conesy’s Diary: 3/31/2021

It’s time to check out the show!

Dropfleet Commander First Impressions

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I didn’t really mention it much and we don’t talk much about Kickstarters and what we are backing on the show, but I backed the Dropfleet Commander one and it has recently made it to my door! If you don’t know what Dropfleet Commander is, it’s a space ship miniatures game intended to similulate fleet actions attempting to land assets on planetary locations for the purpose of defending or retaking planets. The game is by Hawk Wargames and their other big game, Dropzone Commander, is a 10 mm combined infantry/land/air assets attempting to retake stretegic locations within a small area of a planet.

Gen Con 2016 in Photos

Gen Con 2016 was great and I had a blast. This year was the busiest year that I have ever had with three True Dungeon runs, seminars, hobby events, and other craziness. My biggest three highlights for the show were:

  1. Going in with the rush at the opening of the vendor hall and buying the new Malifaux Crew Box, The Queen Returns for Neverborn.
  2. Doing the Hirst Arts resin casting class. Short and fast, but I learned so much about resin casting. Both safety tips and product tips.
  3. Being a part of the Infinity Seminar for what’s new that was done on Saturday and then walking away with a model for free. I had no idea how cool the seminar would be and actually walked out of their pumped about my PanOceania troops (which then got me to buy more models…..hmmmm…I see what they did there!!! Hahaha)

So we’ll be talking about this on the show I am sure, but in the mean time here are a ton of really quality pictures to tie you over!!!

Episode 65: Beyond the Gen Con

Episode 65

Brian’s back and in the saddle for another episode of the show. Wow, 65 of these things. Who would have thought. Thank you, the listeners for keeping up your support. Yep, you know who you are!

In this episode, we have a lot to talk about. After all, it’s been a while since we have heard from Brian, there is this whole Warhammer: Age of Sigmar thing, and somewhere in there Conesy went to Gen Con. Oh yeah, did we mention, lots of games, talks with Games-Workshop while at Gen Con, and general fun and hobby all in one show!

Yeah, we are excited and hope you are too. Go ahead and give it a listen, Welcome toooooooo Episode 65!!!!!

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Episode 63: All Over the Place

Episode 63

We are all over the place on this one with lots of things we want to talk about and just not enough time to get it all in. Yeah, we probably should have just gotten together sooner, but that bum Conesy had to have a little surgery in there that stalled things out for a bit.

In this episode, our hosts discuss Dreadball by Mantic Games, touch on Dropzone Commander by Hawk Wargames, catch up on some big Warhammer news, movies, campaign wrap up and even some listener questions at the end. Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff packed into this episode.

By the way, as promised, here is the link to the campaign that was just run here in Madison at Pegasus Games. Overall, as you’ll here, we all had a good time with it and it was laid out well to go with our pick up games on regular game night.

Warhammer Campaign based on the End Times by Conesy

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