Join the WiscoDice crew as they review the hit game Mansions of Madness. Plus get their thoughts on attending GenCon 2021 in Indianapolis.
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I am a huge fan of games like Mysterium and Obscurio. These cooperative games of deduction by use of art provide great collaboration at the table as you try to solve for the clues that are being given to you. There’s something about the perplexed look of players as you give them cards that they don’t understand the meaning you are trying to convey or that got it moments when they realize the message.
Mysterium Park is the latest in what is an ever growing genre of these style games. In this outing, Libellud has tried to streamline the game experience for a faster and smoother game. What I find is a very successful, simplified version of the original Mysterium that fits in a smaller box and price point.
- Players: 2-6
- Playtime (with Setup): We find it between 30 and 90 minutes
- Publisher: Libellud
- Designer: Xavier Collette and M81 Studio
When Tapestry first came out and I saw the components and the price point I just wasn’t convinced this was a game that would make it into my collection. It has civilization building and action selection which are themes and mechanics that interest me. Yet, at a hefty price point I was pretty sure this wasn’t the game for me.
Fortunately Gameholecon, a gaming convention here in Wisconsin, came along and the wife and I signed up for a game of it. What we found was a game that both of us really enjoyed! With well over a dozen plays this past year it’s closing in on my most played game of the year.
Let’s get on with the review and find out what makes me enjoy this game so much.
- Players: 1-5
- Playtime (with Setup): We find it between 90 and 150 minutes
- Publisher: Stonemaier Games
- Designer: Jamey Stegmaier
Every year my friends organize a gaming weekend we call Cabincon. We all chip in to rent a rural Wisconsin house and bring enough alcohol, food, and board games to last us usually about a month. The event is a blast! One of the best parts is all of the exposure to everyone else’s favorite games!
At our 2019 event I was introduced to Architects of the West Kingdom which is a brilliant worker placement game. I had to immediately pick it up at my local game store and get it to the table at home. Not much time after did I realize that Renegade Game Studios was producing a trilogy of these “West Kingdom” games and that it was all ready released. Recently I was able to head to the store and pick up my copy.
Marvel: Crisis Protocol by Atomic Mass Games is a table top miniature game using the Marvel comic books for inspiration. With the huge success of the property and the long lived nature of the Marvel Comic Universe there is tons of content for everyone. Especially with the success of Marvel at the movie theater many of these characters are becoming household names and are growing in increased popularity. For us miniature gamers, who doesn’t want to put characters like Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Punisher on the table?
With ever growing choice in the miniature gaming hobby though does this game pan out as something worth buying or should you pass on it?