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Tag: Game Review Page 2 of 3

Are You Ready to Channel Your Angry Island God Spirit? Spirit Island is the Game for You!

Spirit Island Game Box

Spirit Island is a game where you play as one of many different ancient primal spirits who watch over an island somewhere in the world. Your island is inhabited by natives, called Dahan, who can aid you. However, it’s come under attack….or at least is trying to be settled by those pesky settlers! Will you have what it takes to repel the invaders and keep your island safe?

  • Players: 1-4
  • Play Time: 90-180 minutes
  • Publisher: Greater Than Games
  • Designer: R. Eric Reuss

What’s in the Box? Batman Miniature Game by Knight Models is taking back the streets of Gotham!

The Back to Gotham Starter Box and Bane the Bat Model

It’s been more than half a year now that I have had and been playing games of Batman Miniatures Game Third Edition. Over that time I have played about a dozen games, assembled models, and honestly had a lot of fun playing games in Gotham city. I am going to point out that this is a huge shift in the game from previous editions though, so stay tuned as I provide my usual critical take on a game.

Are you intrigued about the dark streets of Gotham city? Do you want to take the helm of your favorite hero or villain and command a crew? If that sounds right, then this is the game for you!

Initial Thoughts: Marvel: Crisis Protocol

I recently picked up Marvel: Crisis Protocol by Atomic Mass Games. I have to say I was really on the fence about picking this game up. I love Marvel lore and comics, but I have so many models and different games it’s hard to dive into another game. Couple that with owning the old Marvel Miniatures Game models from Knight Models which are really highly detailed and pretty cool. Still, after doing my research and seeing how the game is evolving and continuing to get some great support from both Atomic Mass and the community, I decided to dive in.

Explore the Destiny of an Empire: Teotihuacan: City of Gods

Teotihuacan: City of the Gods

I wasn’t able to get a copy during the initial printing, but during the second print run I was able to grab a copy. The game was cool enough that I wanted to get several plays of it after it was purchased and I have played it with 2, 3, and 4 player counts. I am going to say that it is overall a really cool game, but like most board games it has little things I think it could have done better.

  • Players: 1-4
  • Play Time: 90-120 minutes
  • Publisher: NSKN Games
  • Designer: David Turczi

Hit or Sit! Getting the Beat Down on Blood Bowl

All right fans, it’s time to take a look at the new version of Blood Bowl. I just picked up my copy this morning from Pegasus Games here in Madison for their Black Friday, shop in your pajama’s sale. There were plenty of Games-Workshop games players this morning all looking for the black friday shopping discount. Having been mostly away from buying of models from GW in a while, I have to say looking at the pricing that I can see why they were in the store.

Rant aside, I love Blood Bowl since I was introduced to it probably 12 or so years ago. I am an Orc player primarily and my standard team of old is 4 Black Orcs, 4 Blitzers, and 3 line Orcs (well, my base team anyways) with a couple of re-rolls and whatever is left is turned into fan factor. Well, that’s my starting team anyways and then we go from there. I also have a dark elf team, but I built that when dark elves still had throwers and no assassins and I remember a few years ago that changed which disappointed me a little since I had converted up a thrower. Oh well! That’s the way these things work sometimes.

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