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Episode 123: Our Favorite Euro Games

In Episode 123, the hosts define what a Euro-game is to them and talk about their favorites. Join us in discovering what each host enjoys about Euro games and what they dislike.

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Play Games with WiscoDice

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Beyond the Show:

Kickstart Monday: Breakout Games that Won’t Make You Panic

Welcome to Kickstart Monday our weekly blog series about crowdfunded games and other gaming products. On this week’s Kickstart Monday we’ll dive into two projects that you just might be excited to play and support!

Lockup: Breakout Expansion

Courtesy of their Project Page

Lockup is a board game from Thunderworks Games that features the players playing one of the more villainous races in a fantasy game world locked up in prison. Each faction is struggling for prison supremacy. Using silent bidding mechanics, players take turns placing workers of various values on the game board. Those workers are then revealed when all of the workers are placed for a round. Those players who have winning bids at various locations will get the opportunity to gather resources or acquire useful cards and abilities for future rounds.

In the Breakout Expansion you will now have a chance to not only play the original game, but give your faction a chance to break out of the prison. Adding a new catacombs board, players will have new actions to select from as they struggle with all of the challenges of the original game and explore these new actions.

Of course, if you didn’t have a chance to pick up the original Lockup game you can pick both it and the expansion up for a very reasonable price. This is a game that if you like worker placement and bidding mechanics you should definitely check out.

Castlescape Deckbuilding Board Game

Courtesy of their Project Page

In Castlescape from Praetorian Board Games you will via for territory on the game board while managing and optimizing your deck of cards. You will play cards from your hand to add recruits to your supply as well as building walls from the quarry. You can also use gold to pick up new cards from the market giving you new options in later rounds. Some of your cards will let you make back alley deals that could lead to corruption while other cards will let you gain infamy. Manage to have the most points at the end of the game to win.

The best thing with this game is that you are actively constructing a fortress while you play this game. It’s something that feels very rewarding to see come to life as you play. If that sounds exciting to you then you may want to check out this project!

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded games that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

Board Game Brunch: Village with Amazing Biscuits and Gravy

Board Game Brunch: Village game cover and plate with biscuits and gravy with fried eggs

Today’s board game brunch featured a two-player game of Village (base game only) paired with homemade biscuits and gravy.

Village is a 20-year old, worker placement game that continues to see the table. Each player is responsible for growing the family through multiple generations. There are multiple paths for points, and to have the most famous and prosperous family, you best pay attention to them all.

Board Game Brunch: Village game play

The base game plays 2-4 players, scaling excellently to each player count. Total play time is just under an hour for today’s two player game. Even with four players, this does not take much longer. Of course, my husband eeked out a win going heaving on the religious points.

Board Game Brunch: Plate of biscuits and gravy with fried eggs, coffee, and juice

Brunch was biscuits and gravy, a delicious treat for us. Today we tried Chef John’s Buttermilk Biscuits, which had lovely flaky layers. the biscuits were topped with Ben’s sausage gravy: cooked pork sausage simmered in made from scratch gravy (flour, onion, milk, garlic, black pepper, and butter).

Village with Biscuits and Gravy was a great way to start our Sunday. If you have any suggestions for food and game pairings you’d like to see, let me know via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Enjoy your Sunday

Kickstart Monday: Amazing Dark Elves Join Forces with Creepy Cultists

After a week off, we’re back with a new Kickstart Monday for you. This time we are diving into the lands of miniatures with two really good crowd funded projects that should get you excited for these figures. Both of these projects feature real figures that are planned to be manufactured, not just 3D printed models!

28mm Eastern Dark Elves

Courtesy of the Kickstarter Project Page

These 28mm Eastern Dark Elf miniatures from Mirliton feature all of the models you would want to include in a fantasy dark elf army. These models are sculpted in 3D modeling software, but are being manufactured in white metal to be delivered to backers.

These models all have are themed around more middle eastern look and feel. This makes them really unique against other companies that are producing dark elf models. Whether you are building an old Warhammer Fantasy army, Ninth Age, Kings of War, or really any other system that uses 28mm figures these are sure to give you a really unique look at feel to your army on the tabletop.

Cultists and Zombies

Courtesy of the Kickstarter Project Page

Cultists and Zombies from RBJ Game Company features an assortment of 28mm figures cast in white metal. Not only is there a big and terrifying mythos monster, but an assortment of really unique zombies and cultists. Models are all sculpted to 28mm scale and so should roughly blend in with other miniatures of that scale.

These figures would be great to supplement a GM’s needs for a mythos RPG or a player who is looking to play a mythos skirmish wargame. If you are one of those people you should definitely check this one out.

Did we miss your favorite project?

If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunding projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

Kickstart Monday: Ragnorock and the Eternal Palace

It’s Monday. It’s time to dive into crowdfunding. Here are a couple of treasures we think you might be interested in.


Ragnorocks from Grey Fox Games and designed by Gordon Hamilton (you know, that same guy that designed Santorini) will provide a unique game play experience for 1-2 players. On your turn you will move one of your viking figures on the board and place a runestone. You will have the option to play myth cards that may affect your viking’s ability to do things or give you options on placement of the runestone you normally wouldn’t have. Score the most points and you win!

This abstract game looks to be a real treat, much like Santorini is. If you are in need of a good two player game and checkers and chess have been played out then this might be the game for you.

Eternal Palace

Eternal Palace from Alley Cat Games features a dice placement (dice represent your workers) game with beautiful artwork and intriguing Euro style mechanics. Start your turn by rolling your dice behind a screen. On your turn you will be able to place your dice onto the game board. Beware as you don’t know what your opponents rolled. Action spots on the board may require a 3 or greater or a 5 on the dice to use. Since you don’t know what your opponents rolled you could gamble and take a more needed action only to find out that they did roll that 5 on the one dice they had of that type.

The game boasts that the main game will have over 400 components. If dice placement, tons of components, and player interaction sound great then hop over and back this project.

Did we miss your favorite project?

If you find these interesting, or think I missed a Kickstarter that you would like to hear more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

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