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Kickstart Monday: Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux and Kraken Skulls

Welcome to Kickstart Monday! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects that have caught our eye. We scour over platforms like Kickstarter, Gamefound, and Indigogo to find projects that interest us.

Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux

First up this week is the Kickstarter for Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux from Garphill games.

Shipwrights of the North Sea was originally published in 2014 as the first game in Garphill’s North Sea trilogy. This new Redux version is a complete reworking of the original. There are shared thematic elements between the two, but the campaign page indicates this is a totally new game. In the game players take on the role of shipwrights building longships and buildings attracting heroes and gathering gold all with the goal of being the greatest Viking clan. The game plays from 1-5 players and features the familiar art style of Mihajlo “The Mico” Dimitrievski. There are a couple of extras you can score from Kickstarter campaign including the free Legends Promo pack, Box Sleeves and a discount on the metal coin upgrade. If you are already a fan of Garphill’s line of game or are a new comer this is perfect opportunity to get in on the action. The campaign for Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux will end on the 12th of July 2023.

Kraken Skulls

Next up this week and continuing the sea-faring theme is Kraken Skulls a Kickstarter project from Chris Couch Games.

Kraken Skulls is a fast paced pirate battle game where players will sail through dangerous waters fighting rival pirate ships, dig up treasure and perhaps face the dreaded Kraken. Players secretly choose where to move their ship each round and the outcome is determined by where they land. If two pirates share the same space on open water or a port they will battle each other with custom dice trying to out gun each other. When battles take place at a port, one of twenty unique minigames is triggered and the battle will follow the special rules for that port. If you are lucky enough to be alone on your location you will be able to dig up valuable treasure, but if you are unlucky you’ll be battling the terrifying Kraken. Luckily if you share the location with another player you will team up together to try to take down the Kraken. All of your swashbuckling and piracy will earn you “Dread” points and the first player to reach six Dread will win the game. The artwork and design is colorful and charming and the game looks to be perfect for those looking for a quick casual game with some light dice based combat. It is also at a nice price point of only $30 USD. The Kickstarter campaign for Kraken Skulls ends on July 13th 2023.

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or email.

Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.

Also checkout the latest articles from WiscoDice:

Episode 110: Behind the Dice – Exploring Coba with Crossbow Games

Join WiscoDice as we learn about finding hidden treasure from the designers of COBA. We also discuss the games we’ve been playing and upcoming events you can find us at.

Download the Episode Here!

Read on for links to the games discussed and pictures.

Kickstart Monday: Scholars of the South Tigris and Star Tycoon

Welcome to Kickstart Monday! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects that have caught our eye. We scour over platforms like Kickstarter, Gamefound, and Indigogo to find projects that interest us.

Scholars of the South Tigris

First up this week we have the next entry in the South Tigris series of game from Garphill games.

Scholars of the South Tigris

Scholars of the South Tigris is a bag building and dice placement game set in medieval Baghdad. Players will influences powerful guilds, build their knowledge in the sciences on 6 unique resource tracks and translate scientific manuscripts for the Caliph. There is an engine building aspect to the game as well that lets you find your own path to victory. The game plays up to four players and also features a solo mode with 4 levels of difficulty.

The Kickstarter campaign is already more than fully funded so if you are a fan of other Garphill games this is likely a safe bet. You will need to pledge by  March 15th to get in on this one.

Star Tycoon

Our other game this week is the Kickstarter for Star Tycoon, by Warp Core Games, an interstellar engine building game for 1 to 6 players.

Star Tycoon

Players in Star Tycoon will take the roll of a corporation participating in the galactic exchange of trade goods which boasts a player-driven resource market.

Players will also establish developments on planets build megastructures and maybe break the law by making illegal goods. I’m impressed so far with the art and design on display in Start Tycoon. The player count is also a plus there are not too many games that fill the 5-6 player niche. If you are eager to start taking over the galactic market Star Tycoon might be one to keep an eye on. The Kickstarter ends March 30th 2023.

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or email.

Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.

Also checkout the latest articles from WiscoDice:

Kickstart Monday: Dawn of Ulos and Legacy of Yu

Welcome to Kickstart Monday!!!! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects in the tabletop gaming industry. I scour over platforms like KickstarterGamefound, and Indigogo to find projects that interest me. People would ask me what I think is worth backing since I was providing these recommendations already. So why not share my thoughts with a weekly blog about projects that interest me?

Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.

This week I am diving into more board game content as to new projects are just hitting the scene. These two projects are from two of my favorite publishers so let’s dive into the projects and see what has me so excited!

Dawn of Ulos – A Roll Player Tale

Dawn of Ulos – A Roll Player Tale from ThunderWorks Games is the next game in the line of games set in the Roll Player universe. This game for 1-5 players will introduce new mechanics to this family of games.

While it will retain the similar art and look of previous games in the Roll Player Universe, this game will leverage tile laying and an economic engine that you will need to balance to be successful. Featuring 10 factions in the game (5 in each game), you will take part as the creator of civilization with table stakes in factions in areas you control. This in turn will gain you points towards winning the game.

If you love the idea of being the influencing creator of a world while competing against other powers for the influence of the world in a game then this project may well be for you!

Legacy of Yu

Legacy of Yu from Garphill Games takes a dive into the truly solitaire playing experience. That’s right, this game is for just a single-player campaign game. The campaign features self-balancing elements so that you should have a good experience even if you are struggling to get those wins in the game. The campaign game runs for 7 full plays of the game, at which point it’s easily reset so that you can try to do better the next time. As you progress, new elements will come into the game presenting new and exciting things to explore.

During the game, you will play Yu the Great during the Xia Dynasty in China. You will need to build canals and defend your village. During the game, you will need to balance worker placement, deck management, and resource management together to string actions together to have increasingly more efficient turns.

If you needed a great solo play game to add to your collection or think the theme of this game sounds intriguing make sure you check this project out.

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or email.

Kickstart Monday: Viscounts and Monks Make Great Games

Welcome to Kickstart Monday!!! On Kickstart Monday I scour crowdfunding platforms for two or more projects that I feel are worth looking at. This includes platforms like KickstarterGamefound, and Indigogo. Everything that is recommended on Kickstart Monday is oriented around tabletop gaming in some fashion.

This week I take a look at one of the hottest expansions to one of our favorite games and a game about making wine.

As a quick note, there will be no Kickstart Monday next week.

Viscounts: Gates of Gold and Keeper of the Keys

Viscounts of the West Kingdom from Garphill Games is the final game in the trilogy of West Kingdom games from designer Shem Philips. We originally reviewed this game and unboxed it on the blog around a year ago. Now there is a project for two great expansions to this game.

Keeper of Keys and Gates of Gold are two unique expansions for this game. Gates of Gold will introduce new card types, manuscripts (and a manuscript board), new leaders, new building bonus cards, and just more of the stuff that makes this game great. Meanwhile, Keeper of the Keys introduces updated player boards with slots for housing chest tiles. In addition, there are going to be three new public buildings you can compete to construct. Just looking at this, if you wait to retail this expansion seems to be the one you will want to add to the base game the most.

Of course, Garphill Games will also allow you to add a Collector’s Box which is just a larger game box that will hold the base game plus the expansions. There’s usually a little bonus in the Collector’s Box, and this one is no different with 12 promo items.

If you need to have all of the West Kingdom series games as we do, then this is a project you certainly should check out.

Dom Pierre

Dom Pierre from publisher R&R Games and designed by Rola and Costa is going to take you to the 17th-century French wine-making boom. This game looks to be another great crunchy Euro-style title you can add to your collection. Like so many games, the player with the most points at the end will be nominated as the winner.

The game consists of a number of rounds where on your player board you will move an action disc on your winery board up one spot and do the corresponding action. As the disc moves up a given track the actions become more powerful. Yet you need to balance the actions you are taking to be able to have your winery succeed. In addition, each action will cost you resources so the further you push an action disc up a track the more costly it will be to take that action.

The game will take you through all of the winemaking things you would expect as you manage your winery. You will plant and harvest crops in your vineyard. Produce champagne in your cellar. Don’t produce enough in your vineyard, then go to the village and purchase your neighbor’s (other players) crops. Of course, you also need to manage your logistics and build your sales network so that you can have the best sales of your products.

If the idea of running a winery sounds like fun, then you should check out Dom Pierre from R&R Games.

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

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