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Tag: Germany

Episode 69.5: US vs German Bolt Action Battle Report

Episode 69.5

In this episode, the hosts continue the Bolt Action topic by doing a battle report with Stark’s United States vs. Conesy’s Germans. The game is set thematically post-D-Day France. The hosts are playing the scenario Envelopment. Both forces were selected using the standard force selector at 1000 points.

If you are interested in Bolt Action, the rules, the game, or just more information make sure you check out the website where all of the info is available at Warlord Games

The battlefield set up for the game.

Deployment and Turn 1. 

Turn 2 wraps up! 

Turn 3 wraps up! 

Turn 4. The game wraps up. 

With that, let’s roll those dice! Wisco’s for the win!!!!

Current Episode


Episode 65: Beyond the Gen Con

Episode 65

Brian’s back and in the saddle for another episode of the show. Wow, 65 of these things. Who would have thought. Thank you, the listeners for keeping up your support. Yep, you know who you are!

In this episode, we have a lot to talk about. After all, it’s been a while since we have heard from Brian, there is this whole Warhammer: Age of Sigmar thing, and somewhere in there Conesy went to Gen Con. Oh yeah, did we mention, lots of games, talks with Games-Workshop while at Gen Con, and general fun and hobby all in one show!

Yeah, we are excited and hope you are too. Go ahead and give it a listen, Welcome toooooooo Episode 65!!!!!

Current Episode


BABR: Defense of Stalingrad

So, this last Thursday night at Misty Mountain games Phil, one of the local Bolt Action players, and myself got together to do a street fight game set in Stalingrad for Warlord Games Bolt Action game. Phil brought 1000 points of Germans and, well, I thought I brought 1000 points of Soviet Union troops….more on that later.

Phil’s force (from memory)
Stalingrad force selector or something close to it from the Armies of Germany book

  • 2nd Lt with SMG and a soldier with rifle
  • Forward Artillery Observer
  • 10 German Heer with lmg (I think)
  • 10 German Pioneers, LMG, some smgs I think
  • 10 German Pioneers, Flame Thrower and 5ish SMG’s
  • Light Howitzer
  • Medium Mortar
  • 2 MG42 teams (MMG teams)
  • 1 Sniper
  • Plus or minus some other stuff

My Soviet Army I am playing currently features everything I own that is painted and built. We did agree that for story purposes I should use the Stalingrad force selector, but only benefited from the free unit option to be fanatic.

  • 1st Lt with soldier inexperienced, both with SMG’s
  • Commissar with soldier, both with SMG’s
  • Forward Air Observer with soldier, both with SMG’s
  • 8 man gaurd unit, 2 SMG’s (forgot they were in the list, never fielded them)
  • 8 man SMG unit, regular
  • 12 man rifleman squad (free unit)
  • 8 man Veteran Gaurd unit with tough fighter
  • T-34 Tank
  • 122mm Medium Howitzer
  • Medium Mortar
  • 3 man Tank Hunter team, 2 models with SMGs, 1 model with captured Panzerfaust
  • Veteran Sniper team
  • Veteran Flamethrower team with ROKS2
  • Anti Tank Rifle

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