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Tag: High Elves

High Elves vs. Chaos

2015-08-03 19.15.06Found myself tonight, a day after Gen Con, with an itch to play some Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It was really a last minute decision as work and life really have had me busy, but the stars aligned and I was able to get out the door and to Pegasus Games with the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar starter box and the hardcover book.

When I got there, one of the local players, Fred, was happy to play me with his high elves. We didn’t agree on anything too fancy. I was really limited to what models I had in the starter box and so we ad-hoc’ed a couple of lists together, largely based on wounds and after some discussion picked the scenario Breakthrough. After a roll off, the high elves began to launch their assault.

WWHFB Term 1 Play-offs

Well, if you didn’t know the Wisconsin Warhammer Fantasy Battles League has a regular play-offs 3 times a year. What happens is that for 3 months, players are encouraged to go to play games with other players who are registered as part of the club and then go to the website and enter the game. Using a ruleset, each game is scored a certain number of points for things like the size of the game, winning, losing, and if the army was painted. At the end of the three months the top four players who can manage to make it out to play-offs are invited to an event.

For the Winter/Spring term of 2015 we had 24 players score their games, so there was a lot of interest in league play. With the top four players then were invited to a traditional, single elimination two round event that was hosted at Pegasus Games on April 25, 2015. Our qualifying players were:

The End Times Campaign: Week 3

2015-04-20 21.34.59

The third week has been played out and good times were had by all of us that made it out. We had 6 of us out when we were making pairings so went with that. We had 2 more show up later, but it was too late for pairings as we were all playing and those two got to hang out and hobby. I will note that pairings were much more exciting with 5 players per team then three, but even then, there was strategy afoot in the pairings. While chaos has been on a tear with last week’s victories, order still controlled far more of the old world. With eyes set on the Battle for Karak Eight Peaks and the fall of Riekland, we paired up and played Warhammer.

  1. High Elves (Fred) vs Warriors of Chaos (Conesy)
  2. Dwarfs (Gordon) vs Skaven (Trevor)
  3. Empire (Nick) vs Ogres (Ben)

Episode 59: Better Merry than Never

Episode 59

We apologize for how late this is coming out. I could go into a million excuses, but this is finally put together and coming out.

In this episode, we got together via a big Google Hangout and had various folks jump on through the night to talk about how much fun they had at Merry Mayhem 2014. Interviewed is overall winner Eric West and locals Davy Calkins and Paul Wagner. Be prepared, this one turned out much longer then expected, but was a ton of fun to listen to and record with all of these great folks.

All of the pictures from this years event that we took can be found in this great folder on Google. Merry Mayhem 2014 in Pictures

Make sure you submit your questions for future editions of the Cheesecurd segment! Just send them in to [email protected]. We would love to hear your questions.

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