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Tag: Hobby Updates

Hobby Update 11/2/2020

Harley Quinn
Back to Gotham Set

It’s been a busy and hectic couple of weeks, but when it’s busy you just have to keep that paint brush working. That means I have a few projects finished to share. Most of the work I have been doing is really focused on super heroes for the Batman Miniature Game by Knight Models and Marvel: Crisis Protocol by Atomic Mass Games.

Harley Quinn was the most recent project. She’s one of the most dynamic posed models I have for the Batman Miniature Game. I love the scenic base and I feel it adds so much character to the model. I didn’t have much direction when I started this model. I focused initially on the bottom elements of the figure and worked my way slowly up the model filling in colors and slowly working up the highlights. As I finished the model I wanted the eye to have two focal points. The first, and primary, was going to be Harley’s hair and face. I think this area of bright color on what is otherwise a darker shaded model really makes this an instant place your eye is drawn. As the eye works it’s way down the model the second focal point comes into play with the stone clown face having just enough color and lighter shading to stand out on the base.

Hobby Update 9/30/2020

It’s been busier this past week, but I have a pretty cool set of models that I finished up still. First, it’s the twin Peter Parker Spiderman models. The first one is from Marvel: Crisis Protocol and the second is from the old Knight Models range. I am going to be honest here, unlike the Hulks, I really don’t have a preference in model. Both models have great detail, but maybe the MCP one has the edge because of the increase size. Not really sure because the poses and models are pretty great on both figures.

For Batman Miniatures Game I continued my work on the Back to Gotham starter box completing Thug 3, or chainsaw thug. While the starter box clearly intends him to be a member of Joker’s gang and the studio paint job does face paint on him I went with more toned down look. He is unknown affiliation which means I can take him in other crews, such as Soldiers of Fortune, Riddler, and Birds of Prey crews which I own. This just helps me make the model more flexible without breaking theme.

Hobby Update 9/16/2020

Another week has gone by and I have been busy at the hobby table. I was able to have most of the day at the hobby table during DC Fandome which really helped the progress and motivation. I was able to complete two figures for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. I also was able to wrap up a couple of henchman for Batman Miniatures Game. Finally, I was able to complete a paint job on a German Stug III for Bolt Action. This last model is actually going up for sale on Ebay. I have the updated plastic Stug III unpainted which I like better and will update to the paint schema of my new German army when I get to it.

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