Join the WiscoDice crew as they discuss tricking out the game room. Plus catch up on what games they’ve been playing and how their hobby projects are coming along.
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I recently decided to run a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaign as the Dungeon Master (DM). I had been going back and forth on deciding if I was going to do this for well over a year. Running these things is a massive commitment, yet exciting. Shows like Critical Role helped get me excited to role play again.
At one time, I had crazy amounts of dwarfs, humans, goblins, monsters, and other fantasy creatures. That’s just inevitable when you are an avid Warhammer collector. However, when Warhammer Fantasy Battles came to an end, I came to realize that there was less and less of an opportunity to use them. Because of this, I sold most of my massive collection off.
This meant that I needed to expand my miniatures collection as a Dungeon Master. With a couple of months before the first session I dug out my Reaper Bones Kickstarter models and started through the game store in search of models I did not have and would need.
In Episode 83: The Cold North Awaits, we join the hosts as they embark on the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden D&D campaign. Join Ben (The Conesy with the Most), Brian (The Stark Raving Mad One), Justin (The Meeple’s Champion), Matt (The Ghostwalker), and Suzanne and find out how the campaign gets started.
In this episode, the hosts do their first countdown ever. Don’t miss our thoughts on the top three things to consider as you get into wargaming. For you veterans, please drop us a line about what you think we might have missed in our countdown. We also gush about the new “The Dark Knight Rises” 2-player starter box for the Batman Miniatures Game as well as a couple of other surprises Knight Models included with this release. Finally, we wrap up the show with a review of “The Song of Ice and Fire” Miniatures Game by CMON.
Topics on this show include:
- Top 3 Countdown of things new wargamers should know
- Knight Models new Batman Miniatures Game 2 player starter
- A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game by CMON
With that, let’s roll those dice! Wisco’s for the win!!!!

If you have been keeping up, you should now have or be ready to purchase brushes, a palette, and know which vendor(s) paints you want to go with. The next thing to find intimidating is the number of colors in that paint rack. Most manufacturers churn out 40, 50, 60 or more colors and picking which colors you want to get started at a few US dollars for each pot or dropper bottle can stretch your initial hobby funds pretty thin.
In this article, I will go over some strategies you can use in deciding what colors you want to pick up first as you start to put the finishing touches on your starting paint kit. It shouldn’t take a ton of colors to be able to get started with painting. Down the road, as you expand your collection of paints or perfect your abilities to mix the colors you need to help with your growing and continued painting hobby.