In this episode of Tales of the Cold North, our adventurers encounter some talking animals and have to decide to fight retreat.
Checkout the latest podcast episode to see what adventurers decide to do.
In this episode of Tales of the Cold North, our adventurers encounter some talking animals and have to decide to fight retreat.
Checkout the latest podcast episode to see what adventurers decide to do.
In this episode of Tales of the Cold North, our adventurers start off after defeating Sephek. It’s late at night, the aurora is lighting the sky, and the party is heading back to the inn. It’s then that Ricka notices footprints appearing in the snow. There is no sight of what’s creating those footprints.
Checkout the latest podcast episode to see what adventures these footprints lead them on.
WiscoDice has embarked on an adventure to brave the terror explore Ten Towns. In episode 2, Consey, the Ghostwalker, and the Meeples Champion catch us up on sessions 2-4. What political intrigue did the characters get mixed up in? How did they fare against Shandar Froth? How did the encounter with Scython go? Find out all this, and more in Episode 2!
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