Content Creators dedicated to sharing our love for board gaming, miniature gaming, hobby tips, RPGs, and more! Welcome to WiscoDice!!!!

Tag: Mansions of Madness

Episode 115: WiscoDice’s Top 5 Spooktacular Games!!!

In Episode 115 the hosts give overviews of their top 5 Spooky games, the hobby projects they’ve been working on, and games they have been playing.

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Download the Episode Here!

Read on for links to the games discussed and pictures.

Episode 89: Enamored with Games

In Episode 89 of the WiscoDice podcast, the discuss their top games to play with their partner. Give it a listen and check out the diversity of games for playing gaming and non-gaming partners.

Download the Episode Here!

Episode 85: Mansions of Madness and GenCon Recap

Image is of Consey and Suzanne in front of Genevieve at GenCon2021
Consey and Suzanne Starting off on their GenCon 2021 Adventure

Join the WiscoDice crew as they review the hit game Mansions of Madness. Plus get their thoughts on attending GenCon 2021 in Indianapolis.

Download Episode 85 Here!

A Weekend of Gaming

I really miss gaming at the table with groups of my friends. COVID-19 has really impacted how many of us play games on the table top. While some of us have moved to online gaming venues, others have started more solo gaming, and others accept the risks and gather as they always have. I don’t know if there is a right answer, but I am fortunate that my wife Suzanne loves playing games. We spent our Halloween weekend of 2020 playing several board games while the kids trick or treated.

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