Monday, Monday, Monday!!! This week only. Featuring projects from Gamefound and Kickstarter game projects for a limited time only. Let’s take the time to check out these great projects!
Monster Invasion
Monster Invasion is a Gamefound project from Petersen Games. Where these projects are typically for a single game or product this one combines four games by four different designers!
This is also a different type of crowd funding projects. These games are all ready produced and ready to ship, so once the project is funded and funds collected these will ship. No big delays. Of course, that makes this more of a pre-order system. However, you do get a discount and are assured to be able to receive these games before they are available in retail.
All four games are available to try today on Tabletop Simulator so give them a try before you decide to back.
Gift of Tulips

Going from scary monsters we will turn to the lighter side of gaming with Gift of Tulips from Weird Giraffe Games. If you love bouquets of flowers, beautiful artwork, and games with cards then this will be a bright ray of sunshine for you!
At it’s core, Gift of Tulips is effectively a card drafting game. You will start with a hand of two cards, perform two actions on your turn, and before performing an action you will draw a card. Actions must be different that you play. You will either play a card that is added to your dispay of cards (your bouquet), give a card to another player (gifting them a flower), or add it to a stack that will be used for scoring during the other actions.
At it’s heart, there is simple mechanics with art that will make this game attractive as a great family game. We recommend you take a look at this Kickstarter game!
Did we miss your favorite project?
If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowd funding project that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.