It may not be Monday, but it’s still time for this week’s look at crowd funding projects. This week we’ll take a look at two board games that are live on Kickstarter right now.
Marvel United: X-Men

Marvel United: X-Men from CMON Games adds your favorite mutants from the Marvel comic universe to the all ready popular Marvel United game. You can pick up either the base game or the base game plus expansion. Of course, with CMON Games there are always plenty of stretch goals and other exclusives that will only be available via this Kickstarter.
If you aren’t familiar with the game this is a card driven tableau building game. Both player and villain cards will be added to the story line. When cards are added there will be effects from those cards. You will be able to combine different cards in the story line to do even greater effects. Ultimately, you will need to rescue civilians, defeat thugs, and make your way to take on whatever villain you are taking on.
If you have what it takes to face down the like of Magneto or Apocalypse then you should definitely back this project!
Board Royale: Survival Evolved

Board Royale: Survival Evolved from Arvis Games is back for it’s second printing with added expansions for new game play experiences. Expect a heavy player interaction/elimination game of playing cards to attack opponents until there is only one player remaining. The second printing will incorporate a number of changes that were provided since the release of the game.
In addition, new expansions are now added. The Wild Hunt adds various beasts. The Zombie expansion adds, well, zombies of course. Add onto that new missions, skills and secret weapons will build on the game with even more possibilities.
If you love aggressive, card driven games where inevitably you will crush your opponents to be the lone survivor then this game is worth checking out.
Did we miss your favorite project?
If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowd funding project that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.