It’s been busier this past week, but I have a pretty cool set of models that I finished up still. First, it’s the twin Peter Parker Spiderman models. The first one is from Marvel: Crisis Protocol and the second is from the old Knight Models range. I am going to be honest here, unlike the Hulks, I really don’t have a preference in model. Both models have great detail, but maybe the MCP one has the edge because of the increase size. Not really sure because the poses and models are pretty great on both figures.
For Batman Miniatures Game I continued my work on the Back to Gotham starter box completing Thug 3, or chainsaw thug. While the starter box clearly intends him to be a member of Joker’s gang and the studio paint job does face paint on him I went with more toned down look. He is unknown affiliation which means I can take him in other crews, such as Soldiers of Fortune, Riddler, and Birds of Prey crews which I own. This just helps me make the model more flexible without breaking theme.