It’s been a while since I had to think through building a new miniature hobby station, but recently I moved and sold my old desk and chair. This allowed me to start from scratch and redesign the hobby work area. Like many wargamers, I spend a significant amount of time painting and assembling figures, terrain, and vehicles that I use in games. As such, making design choices that allowed me to effectively use my hobby station were really important. As such, when I went through this process for my new home I thought it would be an excellent time to share some of my thoughts about the process!
I recently decided to run a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaign as the Dungeon Master (DM). I had been going back and forth on deciding if I was going to do this for well over a year. Running these things is a massive commitment, yet exciting. Shows like Critical Role helped get me excited to role play again.
At one time, I had crazy amounts of dwarfs, humans, goblins, monsters, and other fantasy creatures. That’s just inevitable when you are an avid Warhammer collector. However, when Warhammer Fantasy Battles came to an end, I came to realize that there was less and less of an opportunity to use them. Because of this, I sold most of my massive collection off.
This meant that I needed to expand my miniatures collection as a Dungeon Master. With a couple of months before the first session I dug out my Reaper Bones Kickstarter models and started through the game store in search of models I did not have and would need.
In Episode 82 of the WiscoDice Tabletop Gaming Podcast, we meet another WiscoDice team member, Suzanne. Later in the show, Ben interviews the creators of Distilled. and the team discusses strategies to stay engaged in a game you are losing.
Join Ben (The Conesy with the Most), Brian (The Stark Raving Mad One), Justin (The Meeple’s Champion), Matt (The Ghostwalker), and Suzanne in this month’s episode.
Nemesis is a recent Kickstart arrival to our home. This is a survival horror board game that plays like a dungeon crawl in space. This was our first full play through of the game. We found that with the high amount of sequence based resolution to actions and events made having the rulebook at the ready is important for your first several games.
Board Game Brunch: Nemesis Board Game Box
We love the theme of the game. The feeling of being trapped on a space ship with alien intruders is well captured. You can feel the story unfold on each of your actions. We will still be telling the story of the breeder intruder of Ben’s captain that shot two full clips of his energy rifle to only have the alien continue to escape death. My scientist rammed her wheel chair into the stubborn alien late in the game as a close combat attack an took it down.
Board Game Brunch: Nemesis Alien
We paired this game with some slow cooker beef stew (it may be the end of May, but we’re in Wisconsin, USA and woke to frost) served in delicious bread bowls. The beef stew is great when you want just something a little different, the seasoning included mustard and brown sugar which provided a nice change from the standard stew we make. The bread bowls were amazing. I found the recipe on one of my favorite bread sites: Sally’s Baking Addiction. The texture soaked up the stew gravy perfectly.
After a week off, we’re back with a new Kickstart Monday for you. This time we are diving into the lands of miniatures with two really good crowd funded projects that should get you excited for these figures. Both of these projects feature real figures that are planned to be manufactured, not just 3D printed models!
These 28mm Eastern Dark Elf miniatures from Mirliton feature all of the models you would want to include in a fantasy dark elf army. These models are sculpted in 3D modeling software, but are being manufactured in white metal to be delivered to backers.
These models all have are themed around more middle eastern look and feel. This makes them really unique against other companies that are producing dark elf models. Whether you are building an old Warhammer Fantasy army, Ninth Age, Kings of War, or really any other system that uses 28mm figures these are sure to give you a really unique look at feel to your army on the tabletop.
Cultists and Zombies from RBJ Game Company features an assortment of 28mm figures cast in white metal. Not only is there a big and terrifying mythos monster, but an assortment of really unique zombies and cultists. Models are all sculpted to 28mm scale and so should roughly blend in with other miniatures of that scale.
These figures would be great to supplement a GM’s needs for a mythos RPG or a player who is looking to play a mythos skirmish wargame. If you are one of those people you should definitely check this one out.
Did we miss your favorite project?
If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunding projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.