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Tag: Nagash

Episode 57: Team Nagash

Episode 57

Not quite so hot off of the Undead vs. the World mega-battle. We recap our big points in the game and sum up the strategy from the winning side of this game. We also delve a bit deeper into the organizing and running of a mega-battle, going through a couple of different styles of the game and what we feel works better and worse.

For Undead vs. the World here is a link to the rules pack we used: Undead vs. the World Rules Pack

The hosts also discuss a new contest. To get the details though, you’ll just need to listen to the episode. We will tell you that one of the prizes in the drawing will be a brand new, still in shrink wrap copy of the spell cards for the Lore of Undeath! We will be drawing for a winner in this contest on Halloween 2014. Good luck!

Make sure you submit your questions for future editions of the Cheesecurd segment! Just send them in to [email protected]. We would love to hear your questions.

Current Episode


Episode 56: Lords of Undeath

Episode 56

The hosts get together to discuss the new hotness, Nagash and Warhammer: The End Times. A very opinionated discussion about the various changes and differences that are happening both in the fluff in this first addition to Warhammer with the End Times as well as new rules that are posed.

The hosts also discuss a new contest. To get the details though, you’ll just need to listen to the episode. We will tell you that one of the prizes in the drawing will be a brand new, still in shrink wrap copy of the spell cards for the Lore of Undeath! We will be drawing for a winner in this contest on Halloween 2014. Good luck!

Make sure you submit your questions for future editions of the Cheesecurd segment! Just send them in to [email protected]. We would love to hear your questions.

Current Episode


Mortarch of Nagash Unboxing

[singlepic id=932 w= h= float=right] Well, another week of releases and now we have the dreaded Mortarch’s of Nagash out. His mightiest of his Mortarch’s ride these giant terrifying mounts, which are new for them and something you don’t have an option for in their respective army books. These models all look pretty close to the same, but they have enough bits to make each one’s mount unique. Each rider has their own bits to make the models really unique.

What really had me intrigued about this kit was whether or not I could snag enough of the Arkhan the black bits to make an actual infantry version of the model for use with my Tomb King army when the rules for the army of undeath isn’t legal. Looking at the bits, it looks like this is definitely very viable as an option, but there is going to be some significant work adjusting the model or finding a set of legs that I can use to mount the figure on that will fit the figure well enough. Might just be a spot for me to work in some of those new sculpting skills.

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