2014-10-19 17.07.18

So, after Screw City GT, I have been pretty excited about playing the dark elves again. I know, army wobble. No, I am not stopping work on the daemons. I am just taking it very slow and making sure the models are all at the highest level I can do. In the mean time, before Screw City GT I was really struggling with wanting to play an army competitively. While I have had a great time at events through the year, I just wasn’t digging competitive play. Playing this old stand by army and being successful with it, got me excited and made me think that I could use a couple of new units painted up.

Now, if I am going to put the effort into painting up new units for an old army, there is the obvious fact that I am much better then I was at actually painting models which means I either have to force myself not to put my best effort in, or if I do put my best effort in, that I still need to maintain that feel of the old models so that when both are on the table there isn’t a huge difference between old and new. I have opted with the later with a new unit of Cold One Knights.