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Tag: PanOceania

Infinity PanOceania Painting Continues

There has been a little more work on my PanOceania forces for Infinity. I need to have 300 points of forces ready for the Infinity narrative event at Blood in the Sun in just a few weeks. That means it’s time to lock in and work on painting models and so I have been working on the figures pretty furiously.

I haven’t quite set on a list yet, but I will post my final lists after the event.

So far, I have finished an Auxillia and her Auxbot, an ORC Troop (picture is still WIP) and nearly finished a Guarda de Assalto with Auxbot (really just basing and a little shading at this point). Once those last figures are finished I want to work up another Auxillia and Auxbot (can’t have too many models that can be specialists) and an Aquila Gaurd. With those finished, I really have a list starting to shape up, but there will be 4-5 more models I would like to have finished to give me a little more to work with to list build with before this event.

Fledgling Infinity PanO Army Taking Shape

My Infinity PanOceania is growing. The Cutter was part of my master airbrushing class at Adepticon that we were allowed to walk away with. It’s so huge compared to the normal infantry and a ton of points. Of course, I have no idea how actually good it is in the game. We’ll find out. I also built Gaurda de Assalto blister pack. All I have left for PanO now to put together is one box of Auxilia. Not sure what to add to my list next. If you guys out there have some ideas, I would love to hear about it. So far, here’s what I have models for:

  • Father Knight from Operation Icestorm
  • Fusilier – Combi Rifle
  • Fusilier – Combi Rifle
  • Fusilier – Combi Rifle
  • Akalis – Combi Rifle, E/Mitter
  • Nisse – Multi Sniper Rifle
  • Orc Trooper – Multi Rifle
  • Guarda de Assalto – Spitfire
    • Auxbot – Light Shotgun/Zero-V Smoke Grenade Launcher
  • 2 Auxilia – Combi Rifle (Not Pictured, still building)
    • Auxbot – Heavy Flamethrower (Not Pictured, still building)
  • Cutter – Multi HMG

So, it’s growing

Infinity PanOceania

So back at Gen Con I picked up Operation Icestorm, which is a two player starter for the game Infinity which is made by Corvus Belli. At Adepticon I was able to get a basic demo, basically playing out the first scenario in that starter and I have to say I really like the game and can see why so many Warhammer players have jumped to it. In this post I am going to show you a little bit of what I have been working on with the models and I am going to let you know what my top 3 things where that I really liked about the game. Expect this series of blog posts continue as I try out the game more and learn more about the game and what makes this game both fun and still complex for the veteran players.

So I started by painting up the new Infinity PanOceania models, which are all metal. They are a little fiddly I think to put together. They are not heroic scale, but a true 28mm scale which makes some of the joints really small. Coupled with filing mold lines is a bit of a pain too. I do really like painting metal models and I feel like paint always goes on metal models better which is a plus in my book. So far, I have 2 of the fusilier models painted up and close to having my third. It’s a small model count game, so it’s really nice to be able to take my time on each figure, work on the detail and highlighting, and feel like I have a really good accomplishment done when each model is completed.

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