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Tag: PlanB Games

3 in 15!!! Cartographers, Tin Spin, and Azul

Join us for 3 in 15! It’s a new YouTube series where we review 3 games in 15 minutes. In our first episode, we examine:

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We’re Excited for PlanB Games Century: A New World

Century: A New World

Recently, I have been playing a number of two player games and among my wife’s favorite games are the Century series. Each game uses similar resources, iconography, and easy to understand rules to make unique game experiences.

In Century: A New world, the third of the series, we find a great worker placement game that’s equal parts light and complex. This interesting combination of simple rules with difficult decisions which is the hall mark of any great game.

We’ll take a look at the game play, components, and theme of this game.

  • Players: 2-4
  • Playtime (with Setup): We find it between 45-90 minutes
  • Publisher: PlanB Games
  • Designer: Emerson Matsuchi

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