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Tag: Privateer Press

Gen Con 2016 in Photos

Gen Con 2016 was great and I had a blast. This year was the busiest year that I have ever had with three True Dungeon runs, seminars, hobby events, and other craziness. My biggest three highlights for the show were:

  1. Going in with the rush at the opening of the vendor hall and buying the new Malifaux Crew Box, The Queen Returns for Neverborn.
  2. Doing the Hirst Arts resin casting class. Short and fast, but I learned so much about resin casting. Both safety tips and product tips.
  3. Being a part of the Infinity Seminar for what’s new that was done on Saturday and then walking away with a model for free. I had no idea how cool the seminar would be and actually walked out of their pumped about my PanOceania troops (which then got me to buy more models…..hmmmm…I see what they did there!!! Hahaha)

So we’ll be talking about this on the show I am sure, but in the mean time here are a ton of really quality pictures to tie you over!!!

Crippled Systems Guest Appearance

He folks, go check out Crippled Systems podcast episode 124 where yours truly guest spots on the show to talk about Gen Con, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and an assortment of random topics. Crippled Systems is a War Machine/Hordes podcast that goes off the beaten path and talks board games, TV, Movies and an assortment of other fun stuff.

Be aware, Crippled Systems is a podcast for mature audiences, mostly for language.

Crippled Systems: Episode 124

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