September in the United States means kids are back in school and the days start getting shorter. Join the WiscoDice crew as they discuss their picks for back to school games and talk with the designers of Stifling Dark.
After a short hiatus, Board Game Brunch is back. This week we’re exploring one of our GenCon2022 impulse buys. Conesy and I try to control the oil spill, rescue marine animals, and enjoy some ocean inspired treats.
The Spill, By Smirk and Laughter has you cooperatively trying to contain an oil spill, remove oil from the ocean, and rescue marine animals.
BGB 082122 – The SpillBGB 082122 – The Spill with Orla
Reminiscent of Pandemic by ZMan Games,The Spill, has each player performing the role of a different specialist with unique abilities to aide in the ultimate goal. Even with a limited amount of action points per turn, the game can lull you into a false sense of competency, until the oil spill starts spiraling out of control. This is aided by the randomness of the dice drop before each turn.
BGB 082122 – The Spill SetUpBGB 082122 – The Spill – 2 Specialists
This game was an impulse buy at GenGon 2022 for us. We enjoy playing cooperative games as a couple and and this one caught our eye with the oil rig dice tower and colorful marine animals. Initially, I was not expecting much from it, but a fun, medium weight game to pull out occasionally. Well, I have now played it 5 times in just under 2 weeks. I’ve only won twice, but the losses have not kept me from wanting to try again. Next game I plan to crank up the win conditions to the hard level.
BGB 082122 – The Spill – End GameBGB 082122 – The Spill – End Game Oil Status
The Food…Ocean Inspired Treats
Brunch consisted of various snack like foods with inspiration from multiple websites. We had banana dolphins playing in a sea of blue gelatin. An orang octopus surrounded by krispy treat star fish covered in oil (chocolate0 and sand (crushed graham crackers). We also enjoyed some fish swimming near the beach (pudding with gummy fish). And of course, a cup of oil (coffee) to wash it all down!