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Episode 129: Behind the Dice: Grand Gamers and Tir Na Nog

Join Consey and Suzanne as they enter the Celtic otherworld of Tír na nÓg. This game is a reprint with some cool extras. Hear all about the updates from the chief of everything at the Grand Gamers Guild, Marc Specter!

Check out the podcast and then check out the Kickstarter:

Download the Episode Here!

Kickstart Monday: Sleeping Gods and Spinning Dice

Welcome to Kickstart Monday!!!! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects in the tabletop gaming industry. I scour over platforms like KickstarterGamefound, and Indigogo to find projects that interest me. People would ask me what I think is worth backing. Since I was providing these recommendations all ready, what better way to do it than post a weekly blog about projects I am interested in.

Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.

This week on Kickstart Monday I head over to Gamefound to look at an expansion to one of the games I hear talked about all of the time. Then we take a look at a surprisingly fun dice game.

Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies

Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies from Red Raven Games is a much-anticipated stand-alone sequel to Sleeping Gods. This expansion is going to provide more Sleeping Gods content. More characters, locations, narrative arcs, and more to discover. Featuring a new massive open world you will need to use your airplane to fly and discover some of the new locations.

Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies is a narrative, quest-based campaign game for 1-4 players. Playtime will likely vary somewhat on a per quest basis, but most sessions can be completed in 1-2 hours. Like many campaign games expect this one will keep you engaged for likely hundreds of gaming hours.

If you love deep narrative immersive games with a heavy story element and light role-playing then you should consider backing this project!

Tin Spin

Base Game and Components

Tin Spin from Surprisingly Fun Games is exactly that, surprisingly fun! We have had the opportunity to actually play this game for 2-6 players. This game features dexterity, strategy, and even some risk/reward gambling of gold cubes (points). The small form factor (a small metal tin) makes this game extremely easy to transport and its simple rules make it ideal for gamers and non-gamers.

On your turn you will either roll the dice you control or you will take a whirl at spinning your dice. Both have their risks and depending on the dice you control at the time you might opt for one option over the other. Of course, once you are done resolving your turn you will roll the SWAP die which will determine if the dice are passed and in which direction around the table.

We laughed and had a great time when we had the opportunity to play this game. It’s a great game to give as a gift so pick up a pair of copies when you back this project!

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

Kickstart Monday: Discover New Worlds With Giant Mechs

Welcome to Kickstart Monday!!!! This is our weekly series featuring 2 or more crowdfunding projects in the tabletop gaming industry. I scour over platforms like KickstarterGamefound, and Indigogo to find projects that interest me. People would ask me what I think is worth backing. Since I was providing these recommendations all ready, what better way to do it than post a weekly blog about projects I am interested in.

Stay informed when new Kickstart Monday projects come out by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and following the #KickstartMonday hashtag.

This week on Kickstart Monday I couldn’t help myself but talk about the new Robotech Miniature Game and then a really cool planetary exploration game. I hope you are as excited as I am. Let’s take a look at these projects!

Robotech Macross DOG FIGHT- The Miniatures Game

Robotech Macross DOG FIGHT- The Miniatures Game from Minitech Games looks to be a much different game than its predecessor from Paladium Games. In this game you will play out much more skirmish level encounters that more well play out individual dog fights between forces. Pit mighty Veritech Fighters of the UEDF against the alien forces such as the Zentraedi.

There are different scales and sizes of games that you can play so you will be able to include more mechs. Each round of the game is broken into four phases. In the first phase, you will plan, in secret, where each of your miniatures will move under your command. Then you will execute those movements based on your plan. Interestingly enough, movement is resolved simultaneously with rules for handling conflicts where models would move into the same space/location. The Cross-Event phase then occurs. In this phase, any mechs who happened to cross paths during the Movement phase will do a quick round of close combat. The round is then wrapped up in the Combat Phase where mechs will be able to resolve all of their ranged attacks at other targets within their firing arcs.

The game ends when all mechs have been eliminated from one side. It is possible that in the same round all mechs are eliminated from both sides. In this case, the player effectively with the smaller or weaker rated force wins.

If you love Robotech and are looking for another miniature game with lighter rules and cool miniatures then you should consider supporting this project.

Stellar Expedition

Stellar Expedition from Wulfhorn Games will take you to where no life form has gone before. In the game, you will take on the role of captain of a team from one of the four factions in the game and traverse a gate in space that will take you to new worlds and discoveries. While exploring these new locations you will be attempting to accomplish expeditions. Completing these will help advance you towards victory.

Stellar Expedition is not just another 4x game. Where most games in this genre are focused ultimately on territory control, space combats, and who can dominate the galaxy this game changes it up and orientates around exploration and completing expeditions. Expeditions ultimately score you points and at the end of the game, it will be expedition points and not crushing all of those to your point of view. After all, it’s a big galaxy and there’s far more to discover than just the small portion discovered during gameplay.

If you were hoping for a board game that would help you feel convey’s that Star Trek exploration feel in a unique game and universe then you should consider supporting this project!

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

Manage Your Park in Dinosaur World

Dinosaur World Box

When I think back to my time as a child I think of my love of dinosaurs. This has lead to my enjoyment of the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies as an adult. Well, Pandasaurus Games has returned to this world with one of their newest titles. Manage your dinosaur amusement park in Dinosaur World.

Yes, that’s right. In this game you will manage DNA, create dinosaurs, build attractions, and have visitors go on tours. Oh, and don’t worry about those occasional mishaps along the way. It’s all in the name of progress right?

One might ask why Pandasaurus Games chose to do another game with this theme. They already have a very popular and quite good dinosaur theme park management game with Dinosaur Island after all. Not to mention, Dinosaur Island Rawr and Write that released at the same time as Dinosaur World. Don’t worry, this game is quite different. Let’s take a look in more detail as to why in this review of Dinosaur World.

  • Players: 1-4
  • Playtime (with Setup): we find it around 90-150 minutes
  • Publisher: Pandasaurus Games
  • Designer: Kwanchai Moriya, Joe Shawcross, and Andrew Thompson

Kickstart Monday: Hobbit Holes are Perfect for Watching Birds

Welcome to #KickstartMonday!!!! This is our weekly blog series featuring two or more projects in the world of tabletop gaming. Every week we sit down and score Kickstarter, Gamefound, Indigogo and others for great projects that we are considering supporting. We thought, heck, if we like them, we should share them with you.


Birdwatcher from Oni Press is a set collection game where you will be enticing birds to come to your tree. Once the birds come to your tree, you will be able to take pictures of them and score points. Each round you have three action points to take actions, such as putting out use a bird call, collect insects, or even publish your findings. Of course, this is the modern age and if you you can’t attract the birds you want you can use the zoom on your camera to even take pictures of birds in other player’s trees.

This game features beautiful card art and a very approachable theme. For 2-4 players, this game will play very nicely into evening game nights with family and friends. Play time will be around an hour which allows for multiple plays in an evening or pair it with some of your other favorite games to make your game night a hit.

If you love birds and are looking for something more nature themed to add to your collection then check out Birdwatcher from Oni Press!

The Hillside Hamlet

The Hillside Hamlet from Real Terrain Hobbies features a number of beautiful STL files for you to 3D print at home. The project allows you to print the front façade of your choice of fantasy underground homes. Perfect for your little halfling village where your tabletop game is being played out.

Immediately when I see these I can’t help but think of hobbits and the works of Tolkien. With a couple of these designs you could create a very cool, custom themed table for your games of Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. As a Dungeon Master I can immediately imagine my players delight when I would display to them the halfling village that they are about to defend from marauding giants. The look of these prints definitely allow you to add something to the immersion your players will have when they play on the table.

While there is additional scatter terrain available, these are only the facades of these underground homes. You need to make the hill, front gardens, and whatever else you imagine around them using traditional terrain techniques. These look to be amazing supplements to a bigger hobby project that I certainly can see myself enjoying.

If you love the idea of playing out games in halfling villages or have that planned for an upcoming campaign then check out The Hillside Hamlet and get printing!

Did we miss your favorite project?

Thank you for checking out this week’s Kickstart Monday! If you find these interesting or want some attention on a Kickstarter or other crowdfunded projects that you would like to read more about please share your thoughts with us via our social media or at our email.

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