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Tag: The Ninth Age

Favorite Memories and Plastic Treasures Await You in Dougan’s Delve

The Lords and Heroes of Dougan’s Delve

It’s been a long time since I spent time thinking about Warhammer Fantasy. At the end of things, when the End Times were upon us, our lives were changed forever as Games-Workshop announced the end of Warhammer Fantasy. When I set up my new game room I was able to put out the army on display (for the first time ever). It made me excited to think about getting the army back on the table.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

The Dwarf army was the very first army I ever thought about collecting when I originally purchased the Warhammer Fantasy 5th Edition starter set. Yes, I was enamored with the valiant Brettonian Knights and the watery Lizardmen of that set. Indeed, even my first games were with those two armies. There was that glint of gold in my eye though as I dreamed of building that first dwarf army.

Episode 68: The 9th Age

Episode 68

In this episode, our hosts talk about square bases! Yes, that’s right, but it’s not Warhammer, it’s The Ninth Age. A new fantasy battles game that is now in version 1 and plays much like that old game with square bases we used to play. We are joined by special guest Fergus who has played not only in a couple of GT’s now but also ran the tournament at Adepticon for The Ninth Age at Adepticon.

If you are interested in The Ninth Age, the rules, the game, or just more information make sure you check out the website where all of the rules are free and available at

With that, let’s roll those dice! Wisco’s for the win!!!!

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