This wasn’t a game that had grabbed my attention originally. I am not sure quite what it was, but this game, like so many, was lost in the ocean of game releases.
Never fear though, my wife had flagged it and when it went on sale decided to order it. It arrived as a pleasant surprise game for us to get to the table and play.
Players: 1-5
Playtime (with Setup): We find it between 90-120 minutes
Every year Knight Models releases a new, limited print run miniature during their Black Friday sale. This year’s model is a brutal, well armed, alternate version of Batman, The Grim Knight!
The Grim Knight comes from an alternate universe to the main DC comic books. In this universe, after the fall of his parents to Joe Chill Bruce Wayne takes up guns. Not just one gun, but lots of guns as can be seen on the miniature.
In that moment where Bruce’s parents are murdered, Joe Chill drops his gun and gathers the pearls that are bounding around the street. It’s in that one moment that this alternate Bruce picks up the gun. Fires the gun. Not only altering Bruce Wayne forever by changing that one rule that makes Batman so unique over other vigilantes. Bruce kills Joe Chill.
In this article, I review the latest Black Friday special release model from Knight Models. Check out The Grim Knight and see what he can do!
When I originally saw Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun I felt this game was a gimmick and didn’t think there was a game here. It went on sale, and as a surprise, my wife bought it and gave it to me after a bad day of work. That’s definitely a way to brighten one’s day!
Little did I realize how delighted I would be. Tekhenu is a brilliant game with so many decisions with not nearly enough rounds to do them in.
If you like ancient Egypt or like using dice to power the action you are taking each round than this game is likely for you. It’s time for the Tekhenu Unboxing and Review!
Players: 1-4
Playtime (with Setup): We find it between 90 and 120 minutes
Every year my friends organize a gaming weekend we call Cabincon. We all chip in to rent a rural Wisconsin house and bring enough alcohol, food, and board games to last us usually about a month. The event is a blast! One of the best parts is all of the exposure to everyone else’s favorite games!
At our 2019 event I was introduced to Architects of the West Kingdom which is a brilliant worker placement game. I had to immediately pick it up at my local game store and get it to the table at home. Not much time after did I realize that Renegade Game Studios was producing a trilogy of these “West Kingdom” games and that it was all ready released. Recently I was able to head to the store and pick up my copy.