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Tag: Zman Games

Conesy’s Stunning Tabletop Gaming Statistics for 2023

It’s been another year of playing games and logging all of those plays. I am still amazed at the types of insights that can be derived from these logged stats. Often, I find myself surprised when looking at the stats. Games that, as a reviewer, I may not have thought were that great may show up with a lot of plays. Meanwhile, games I thought were brilliant may only receive a single play. Logging gameplay is not something everyone should or would want to do, but I share some of the insights derived as I wrap up 2023.

Traditionally, I log all of my stats on BoardGameGeek’s website using the native BGG tools. Moving forward in 2024, I will be using a new App, BGG Catalog, which Suzanne has used for quite some time. There are versions of the App for both Android and iPhone users so give it a try if you are interested in logging your games.

Some interesting statistics jump out immediately:

  • I played over 480 games
  • I played over 138 unique games.
  • May was my best gaming month, with 60 games played.
  • My collection grew by approximately 66 games, toping now at 731 titles, including expansions.
  • Less than half of my plays were via online platforms

Most Played Game – Ark Nova

Ark Nova

It’s no surprise to me that Ark Nova from Capstone Games/Feuerland Spiele was played the most. Not only was it my 2022 game of the year, but it also was implemented on Board Game Arena, where I was able to play it 57 times. While I had 5 in-person plays of Ark Nova, it didn’t get to the table as much as I would have liked. It’s a little tricky to fit in a weekly game night, especially if we need to teach it which has made it a bit harder to table.

I enjoyed this game so much that I immediately wrote a review of Ark Nova for this blog. I am still very high on this game, though my online play has slowed. With the release of the Marine Worlds expansion, which I also think is brilliant for the game, I am hoping to have this game hit the table a few more times in 2024.

Episode 105: CabinCon 2023

In Episode 105, not only do the hosts discuss games they’ve been playing, but Consey and Justin recap their long gaming weekend in Northern Wisconsin.

Download the Episode Here!

Read on for links to the games discussed and pictures.

Episode 82: Exploring Distilled and How to Lose Gracefully

In Episode 82 of the WiscoDice Tabletop Gaming Podcast, we meet another WiscoDice team member, Suzanne. Later in the show, Ben interviews the creators of Distilled. and the team discusses strategies to stay engaged in a game you are losing.

 Image of Distilled Game Box and components
Distilled Game Box and Components

Find Distilled on Kickstarter

Join Ben (The Conesy with the Most), Brian (The Stark Raving Mad One), Justin (The Meeple’s Champion), Matt (The Ghostwalker), and Suzanne in this month’s episode.

Download the Episode Now!

Episode 78: New Host, Introductions, and a Contest!

For episode 78 of the WiscoDice Tabletop Gaming Podcast we have a new host join us. Justin brings years of board gaming and role playing game experience.

On the episode, we take the time to get to know each other with a few questions for each other.

Download the Episode Now!


That’s not all, find the post for this show on our social media by March 26, 2021 at Midnight US Central Time and ask Justin a question. Three random people will win one of three games – Tiny Epic Defenders, Time Chase, or Chaos Marauders. Your question must be unique (as in not having been asked on this episode by the hosts all ready or all ready asked on that social media platform).

Would you like multiple entries? Then find the post on our other social media platforms and ask their too! Don’t forget, your question for Justin must be unique on each platform.

There’s more!!! We will pick a few of our favorite questions to ask Justin on episode 79 of the WiscoDice Tabletop Gaming Podcast.

Show Notes


Download the Episode Now!

Conesy’s Top 10 Favorite Board Games of All Time

I was chatting with a friend the other day when I was asked what are my top 5 board games. I thought about it for a bit, but then wasn’t really able to answer it right then. So I sat down, looked at my collection on BoardGameGeek, and started to make some tough decisions.

I am sure this list will flux a bit over the years. I am sure sometime in the future I will end up putting out a new top 10 list for this very subject. It’s hard to predict with the number of games that are coming out which games I will still be in love with and which games will fall a bit out of favor.

Not all of these games are in print anymore, but all of these games are very good.

Here’s Conesy’s top 10 favorite board games of all time. Enjoy

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