The Hulks! I am painting up side by side these two Hulk models. The one on the left is the Hulk by Atomic Mass Games for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. The one on the right is the Hulk from Knight Models that is OOP for their Marvel Miniatures Game.
Starting with the Atomic Mass model, he is big and well proportioned with a look of rage and what looks like a mean right upper cut about to be landed. Puny god indeed! The model is plastic and the seems I am not super happy with. I probably should have dry fit the model before gluing because I did end up with some gaps. Of course, this was the first model I built for the game. After some quick greenstuff to clean up the gaps, he was ready for paint and work with the airbrush.
In comparison, I am painting up the Knight Models version at the same time. If you thought the Atomic Mass model was big and fearsome, the Knight Models version is bigger, meaner and the detail is so much more intense. The fact that this model is metal just adds to the intimidation factor. Move this model on the table and he is going to make a resounding thump! However, the proportions of this model seem to be a bit off. The upper body, shoulders and arms seem to be out of proportion with the rest of the model. I feel it works as there is so much attention to the top part of the figure. The base is also slightly smaller for this version of the Hulk, but there’s no issue with the model being top heavy.
Overall, I prefer the Knight Models version of the figure. The detail of the figure, the shredded clothing, more rage in the facial features just makes this model so much more intimidating. Painting is still in progress and I will post the final painted models in an update to this post down the road.
Update: 8/25/2020 Here is the promised finished pictures of both figures.