Folks may have noticed a big pause around the holidays and we came back and did some shows. We have hit another big pause here. I want to assure our fans it isn’t because Brian and I have rage quit Warhammer. Rather, if you didn’t know I recently have been dealing with a lot of issues with my right hand and arm. Being right handed this has drastically impacted my ability to hobby. Couple this with the uncertainty of what is going on with the status of Warhammer Fantasy and it’s been hard to work up the go to do hobby on Fantasy models.
I will note, that both Brian and I have been playing a few games. Honestly, Brian more than myself lately but in the grand scheme, things just haven’t worked out where the two of us can get together.
On the other Wargames front, you have heard us talk about Warlord Games Bolt Action game, but there are also a number of other games that are starting to creep in. Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames, Dreadball from Mantic, Battlefleet Gothic from Games-Workshop, and Saga from Gripping Beast are all gaining attention while we wait patiently for Age of Sigmar to release.
I can tell you that Brian and I are both excited for this release and look forward to checking it out, playing some games with it, doing some battle reports and talking about the big changes on the show. Couple that with coverage for Blood in the Sun that’s happening soon and wrap up from the big campaign that we ran at Pegasus Games and there is material coming. Till then, listen to some old shows and drop us a line!